As of the latest update in regards to his HIV status, Sheen decided to seek alternative treatment from Mexico which didn't work. The controversial treatment was headed by Dr Samir Chachoua, an Australian doctor who practiced his field in Mexico.
As the campaign period for the U.S. presidential seat continues, presidential candidates including Donald Trump have recently received a memo from Adele to stop using her music during their campaigns, The Chicago Tribune reports.
New hope arises for the immigration condition in the U.S. after a Mexican immigrant, who previously crossed the border in 1999, was identified by his family after 16 years.
Yahoo! Chief Executive Mayer is expected to cut 1,600 jobs and several local and international business units or about 15 percent of the company's total workforce as part of its big cost-cutting plans.
The California DREAM Loan Program made $5 million available to help provide financial assistance to more than 3,000 undocumented students at the University of California.
Even though Donald Trump has two Hispanic rivals and, early on in his campaign, alienated many in the Hispanic community with his controversial comments on immigration, most Latino Republicans want him to be their party's 2016 White House nominee, a new poll revealed.
While critical in the party contests to pick presidential nominees, Iowa is not known for its Latino community. But some 3 percent of the Hawkeye State's voters are, in fact, Hispanic, and could potentially make a difference in the close races expected in the Feb. 1 caucuses.
The government of Puerto Rico on Feb. 1 released the details of its plan to restructure the commonwealth's massive debt and satisfy creditors' demands, but the island's creditors was questioned by one bond insurer.
Here are five facts about the lady who made a mark at the #GOPDebate. Dulce Candy, the beauty vlogger, made waves after she challenged the presidential candidates with a question about immigration and entrepreneurship.
United States President Barack Obama is set to make his first ever presidential visit to an American mosque on Wednesday. Obama will be talking with Muslim leaders of the Islamic Society of Baltimore in Catonsville.
Former President of the United States Jimmy Carter is schedule to appear at the House of Lords in Great Britain on Wednesday, Feb. 3. The 39th U.S. president will talk and discuss his successful campaign against the Guinea worm disease or dracunculiasis that started back in 1986.
As the Zika Virus continues to alarm several countries, including Latin America like Ecuador, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Honduras, Panama and El Salvador, health organizations have recently urged for women to try not to get pregnant and have more access to contraceptives, Fox News Latino reports.
As the caucuses in Iowa kick off later tonight, presidential candidates are doing almost everything just to get that final approval from the Iowans before they cast their initial votes as to who will be the next US President, Fox News Latino reports.
In light of the recent peace talks going on between Colombia and US, a recent report from Fox News Latino suggests that one man could be the key to finalize the deal or end any of the talks. Apparently, leftist-rebel Ricardo Palmera is being asked by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) that US President Barack Obama release him to finally close the peace deal, the publication reports.
With over 270 confirmed microcephaly cases due to the Zika virus, Brazilians are still gearing up for their annual Carnival activities while planning to celebrate as normally as they can.