A New Jersey State Superior Court judge has ruled 14 gamblers must return $1.5 million in winnings to Golden Nugget casino after officials there claimed cards hadn't been properly shuffled before the pots were won.
President Obama addressed major Silicon Valley players at Stanford University on Friday afternoon, as part of an official White House summit on cybersecurity and cooperation between the technology industry and the government.
On Sunday, a miniature Schnauzer named Sissy escaped from her yard in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, walked about 20 blocks to the Mercy Medical Center and sneaked inside to find her human, Nancy Franck, who has been there battling cancer.
The taxi driver whose car CBS newsman Bob Simon was riding in at the time of the crash that killed him earlier this week has a history that includes at least nine license suspensions and an instance where he once attempted suicide.
The Mexican government has condemned the death of migrant worker who was shot to death by police in Pasco, Washington. The man, from Michoacan, had thrown rocks at police, who responded by shooting 13 rounds at the fleeing man.
News outlets in the U.S. are always seeking out ways to interpret the most controversial issues for fans and Obamacare is right on the top of that controversy list. A newly released poll reveals that American voters are sharply divided over whether the health care law will, in the end, be good or bad for the country overall.
ISIS militants who on Thursday seized most of a western Iraqi town are now just miles away from an air base where hundreds of U.S. Marines are training local forces.
A Shanghai police officer was injured Friday when a man rammed his car into a barrier in front of the U.S. Consulate in the Chinese city. Police identified the man as 35-year-old Liu Daojie, who was placed in custody.
As Fox News pollsters pointed out in a recent survey, “lots of issues divide the country. Immigration. Taxes. ObamaCare…” And now in the spirit of Valentine’s Day, researchers have looked into the heart of matters and found that when it comes to love, the United States is a nation divided.
New York City set a record Thursday of no murders for 10 consecutive days, according to Reuters. New York City set a record Thursday after 10 consecutive days with no murders, according to Reuters.
After reports came out about a University of Texas at Austin fraternity party, hundreds of students marched through the University of Texas at Austin's campus on Thursday to rally against the Phi Gamma Delta (or "Fiji") border patrol party and the way Hispanics were portrayed.
It may be Friday the 13th, but that doesn't mean that you won't be the lucky winner to hit the Mega Millions lottery jackpot, which currently stands at a whopping $74 million. The drawing will take place on Friday night at 11 p.m. EST.
Neighbors say that Craig Stephen Hicks, the man charged with fatally shooting of three Muslim-American college students in North Carolina on Tuesday, was angry and confrontational towards people within his community.
A huge Powerball jackpot will be split by three separate winners, and now those who did not win are expressing their anger that one of the winning tickets is from Puerto Rico.
Officials in Mobile County, Alabama, on Thursday complied with an order from a federal judge compelling them to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.
Chelsea Manning, the soldier convicted of forwarding sensitive national-security information to the whistleblower organization WikiLeaks, has been approved for hormone therapy to continue her transition to a woman.
The injured Marines were exposed to halon, used in fire extinguishers, but none were seriously injured. The Marine Corps. say the men were treated at a hospital and most were released soon after.