Some male nudity on display at Paris Fashion Week Models strutting their stuff with strategically placed slips in their garments sounds like a underwear model shoot.
The first batch of Ebola vaccines were shipped to Liberia on Friday. Vaccine developer, GlaxoSmithKline, expects to eventually send 30,000 Ebola vaccines. The first clinical trials will be on people with the most risk of developing the illness¬-frontline health workers.
The pope expressed solidarity with undocumented immigrants who cross the border from Mexico. Though he will not be able to visit the country, Pope Francis will be planning trips to South America.
The risk of nuclear war may be far lower now than in 1984 during the height of the Cold War, but the iconic Doomsday Clock stands once again at three minutes to midnight, in part because the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists thinks climate change poses new and significant risks to the future of our planet.
A prisoner in Colorado is so mad about the Dallas Cowboys losing to the Green Bay Packers on a controversial call that he is suing the NFL for $88 billion.
As we all know, Americans love to honor our favorite foods by dedicating a certain day or month to celebrate them. Saturday Jan. 24 marks National Peanut Butter Day, and what better time to bone up on life hacks and interesting facts about this classic American food than the present?
A Christian Tennessee mother is outraged by what she found on a school bus’ rear lights: a pentagram. She claims the symbol to be Satanic and is calling for others to be outraged with her.
Minnesota police are probing growing allegations a man may have wheeled his dead mother's body into a Wells Fargo bank to use her to withdraw $850 from her account.
If you're feeling lucky, then you may want to purchase a ticket for the Mega Millions lottery jackpot, which currently stands at $20 million. The drawing will take place on Friday, Jan. 23 at 11 p.m. EST.
City officials in Newtown, Conn. have voted to demolish the home where Sandy Hook Elementary School killer Adam Lana resided when he carried out the deadly 2012 shooting.
Video retrieved from a police dashboard camera reportedly shows New Jersey police opening fire on a man who had his hands raised in the air in an apparent attempt to surrender. Jerame Reid of Bridgeton was shot dead on Dec. 30 after he and another man he was traveling in a blue Jaguar with were pulled over for running a stop sign.
A coalition of Catholic-based leaders have called on Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform in a letter, according to Faith In Public Life (FPL). The Catholic leaders wrote the letter to Congress as the March for Life protest occurs in Washington, D.C. on Thursday, which is the anniversary since the U.S. Supreme Court issued its decision on Roe vs. Wade.
Opening statements in the Boston Marathon bomber trial have been postponed as a result of the jury selection process, which is taking much longer than expected.
Sources say that federal civil-rights charges will not be filed against former Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown, an unarmed African American teenager who died in Ferguson, Missouri last August.
Pilot will get a makeover The Honda Pilot was first introduced in 2002 for the 2003 model year. It has always been a pretty bland, boxy mid-size crossover ever since.
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Deputy Secretary Krysta Harden is visiting the USDA's Southeastern Climate Hub station is Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, on Friday to get a first-hand look at how the hub is providing information to help farmers learn more about climate change.