Authorities have stepped up monitoring of infamous train route In response to a record number of child migrants leaving Central America en route to the U.
The convicted Army major on death row for killing 13 people at Fort Hood has written a letter to the leader of ISIS, asking to become a "citizen" of the Islamic State's caliphate.
On Thursday, a reported 145 people were arrested outside of the White House during a civil disobedience protest demanding immigration reform and relief from deportation for undocumented immigrants.
If you're feeling lucky, then you may want to purchase a ticket for the Mega Millions lottery jackpot, which currently stands at $20 million. The drawing will take place on Friday, Aug. 29, at 11 p.m. EST.
Three weeks after the death of unarmed African American teen Michael Brown by a white Missouri cop ignited days of protests, Hillary Clinton has finally broken her silence on the issue.
The search ends Thursday night after the missing fighter pilot is declared dead by officials. A fighter jet crashed near the border between Virginia and West Virginia.
On Thursday, Puerto Rico Sen. Antonio Fas Alzamora released a proposal to make Spanish the official language of the U.S. commonwealth, making English a secondary language.
Commander Glenn Evans normally praised for his crime prevention in Chicago neighborhoods was arrested Wednesday for allegedly placing the barrel of his gun in a suspect's mouth.
Islamic State militants could have anti-aircraft weaponry U. S. President Barack Obama has a tough decision in front of him when deciding on whether or not to ramp up air strikes against the Islamic State.
A new poll reveals that the majority of New Yorkers believe New York Police officer Daniel Pantaleo should be criminally prosecuted for his actions in the death of Eric Garner, the Staten Island man who died after police put him in an illegal chokehold last month.
For 50 years, New York has chronically underfunded its public defense attorney system. The result has been a system that costs the taxpayers, as people languish in jail waiting for trial, lose their jobs and homes and families and wind up becoming dependent on the state on release.
CDC: Hispanics are 16 percent of the population, but 21 percent of new HIV/AIDS infections annually The Center for Disease Control rolled out a new campaign to target Hispanic and Latino communities in addressing HIV/AIDS, citing a high number of new infections each year.
Conducted by researchers from three universities, the study found that couples in which one or both partners smoked marijuana had lower instances of spousal violence.
The sister of the infamous Boston Marathon bombing suspects was arrested Wednesday after she allegedly threatened to "put a bomb" on her boyfriend's ex-girlfriend.
A suspected drug trafficker who's been hiding out from police for nearly two decades was wounded during a shootout with deputy U.S. marshals in New York City.