The U.S. Census said America would become a multicultural majority by 2043, but Ethnifacts, population researchers, say the "tipping point" has already happened.
The excitement is growing for the Aug. 23 Powerball jackpot, which currently stands at $70 million. The drawing will take place Saturday at 11 p.m. EDT.
Five thousand people are expected to attend the "We Will Not Go Back" march on Staten Island on Saturday to call for justice for Eric Garner. Joining them will be Rev. Al Sharpton, former Gov. David Patterson, City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito and the families of both Eric Garner and Michael Brown.
A coalition of national organizations focusin on issues ranging from immigration, human rights, law and leadership to race relations, have called for an update of federal guidelines and legislation following the death of 18-year-old African-American Michael Brown.
While protesters continue to fight for justice for Mike Brown, the unarmed African-American teenager who was shot by a white police office in Ferguson, Missouri, others have raised over $230,000 for his killer.
Conviction was based on science that has been disproven A New York man who was sentenced to life in prison for an arson murder was freed on Friday after 24 years behind bars, according to an AP report.
Areas that have been scorched are primed for mudslides Wildfires in Washington state are continuing to cause problems, even after the flames have been extinguished.
If you're feeling lucky, then you may want to purchase a ticket for the Mega Millions lottery jackpot, which has jumped to a whopping $180 million. The drawing will take place on Friday, Aug. 22, at 11 p.m. EST.
The Manhattan U.S. Attorney responded to a petition demanding a federal investigation into the shooting death of Ramarley Graham, and the NYCLU released its stats on stop and frisk for 2013, which show 90 percent of stops didn't result in arrests or summons and unfairly targeted blacks and Latinos.
Rep. Paul Ryan, R-WI, has been making the media rounds and spoke about ongoing issues including immigration, Islamic State, 2016 elections and the events in Ferguson, Missouri.
A U.S. District Judge ordered the Justice Department Wednesday to give Congress a list of law enforcement documents on a failed program called Operation Fast and Furious.