Colombia Navy Seizes $60 Million Worth of Cocaine Found Inside a Semi-Submersible Vessel

Sentencing of El Chapo's Wife Emma Coronel Aispuro Delayed; Could Avoid Life Sentence for Drug Dealing

Colombian Migrant, 11-Year-Old Daughter, Found Dead in Arizona Desert After Smugglers Abandoned Them

Pres. Joe Biden Slammed for Securing Tajikistan's Border While U.S. Border in Crisis

Suit Rope Bows and Ties? South African Designer 'Daniels Rope Ties' Sparks Facebook Backlash! Would You Wear a Noose?

Illinois Woman's Fake COVID-19 Vaccination Proof Shows 'Maderna' Instead of Moderna | Other Things Suspicious on Her Card

Coca-Cola Supply Chain Issue Could Affect Diet Coke, Coke Zero | Expect Soft Drinks Shortages

Oklahoma Lawmaker, Who Went Dark During Rogue Mission to Rescue 5 Americans in Afghanistan, Says He's Safe

White House Official ‘Appalled,’ ‘Literally Horrified’ That Pres. Joe Biden Left Americans Behind in Afghanistan

U.S. Eyeing at Land Routes to Evacuate Stranded Americans, Afghan Allies in Afghanistan

WHO Adds New COVID Variant ‘Mu’ to ‘Variants of Interest’ Watchlist, Says It Could Evade Vaccines

Elon Musk Says He Wants To Zap Jeff Bezos With His SpaceX Lasers | Why are These Two Billionaires Fighting?

Demi Lovato Admits Sliding Into 'Schitt's Creek' Star Emily Hampshire's DMs, Who Now Confirms She's Pansexual

US-Taliban Counterterrorism Coordination? Here's Why Army Gen. Milley Says America MUST Work With Them in Afghanistan

Mexico Welcomes Planeload of Fleeing Afghans, Including Journalists

32 Passengers, Including 2 Children, Killed as Bus Falls off Cliff in Peru

Last Crewman From ‘Cocaine Ship’ Bust at Philadelphia Port Sentenced to More Than 7 Years in Prison

How Dangerous Is the New C.1.2 COVID Variant? Here’s What the WHO Says

Taliban Conduct House-to-House Executions After U.S. Exit From Afghanistan as Chilling Audio Provides Glimpse of Afghans' Fear

Pres. Joe Biden Addresses End of U.S. War in Afghanistan, Signs Bill to Provide Assistance for Returning Americans