Once more, it is the most innocent of all which has paid the ultimate price. There's absolutely no justification for the tragedy. Yes, it is quite common knowledge that the Guerrero region in Mexico is rampant with gang violence.
Puerto Rico health officials have confirmed the first case of Zika virus in a pregnant patient. Puerto Rico's health officials have announced on Thursday that the first case of the Zika virus infection on a pregnant woman has just been confirmed.
Kate Middleton is reportedly preparing for her new editing job in Huffington Post U.K. The 34-year-old Duchess of Cambridge will be the publication’s “guest editor” on Feb. 17.
A new French law that bans supermarkets from throwing away food items that are approaching their "best-before date" will help food banks and charities supply their storages.
The peace deal between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) will take center stage on Feb. 4 as President Barack Obama is set to host his Colombian counterpart, Juan Manuel Santos, at the White House.
The Colombian government is set to ask the United States for millions of dollars in additional aid as it nears a historic peace deal with the country's Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). Negotiations could end South America's longest-running guerrilla conflict.
Scientists are saying that the rise in temperature caused by El Niño speeds up the life cycle of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which carries the Zika virus and other diseases like dengue. Current areas with Zika virus outbreaks are experiencing hot temperatures and drought.
Colombian Counterfeiters Take Advantage of Rising US Dollar With countries such as Venezuela suffering from a devalued currency and the continued strengthening of the U.
Venezuela seems intent on inflating its currency even more. Venezuela has allegedly started a program that the government believes would help the country's crippled economy.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has expressed his eagerness to act on the Syrian refugee crisis as well as extend its trade relationship with Latin America and the Caribbeans.
Latin American health officials agreed to have an emergency meeting against the Zika virus outbreak Wednesday, Feb. 3. The meeting was held in Montevideo, Uruguay, participated by 14 health officials including Brazilian Health Minister Marcelo Castro.
Argentina's credit ratings have been raised by Standard and Poor's. Argentina's beleaguered economy has managed to take a significant step toward recovery on Wednesday, Feb.
The 92-year-old Sumner M. Redstone has resigned as the chairman of CBS. The company's position for CEO and president will be replaced by Leslie Moonves while Redstone becomes the company's chairman emeritus. His resignation is effective immediately.
The American Red Cross and the National Health Service (NHS) recently announced a 28-day ban on blood donors coming from the Latin America region and the Caribbean.
Colombia may be one of the most beautiful countries in Latin America, but it does not eliminate the fact the country is filled with heart-stopping ghost stories.
Many tourists find Costa Rica to be an impressive country. People who have already been here cannot forget their experience because the place is simply full of beautiful sceneries and the trip was never boring for the loads of things to do while on vacation.
"DF," the acronym by which Mexico City has been known for decades in Mexico and many Spanish-speaking countries, ceased to be accurate on Jan. 29 as President Enrique Peña Nieto officially changed the capital's name from "Distrito Federal" to "Ciudad de México."