In retaliation for the terrorist attacks in Paris on Friday, the French military conducted a series of bombings against Islamic State sites in Syria throughout Sunday and Monday.
After one of the darkest days in Paris last Friday and the mystery of who was responsible for the multiple attacks and bombings in the different parts of the city, Paris now has received an answer. According to a recent message from the Islamic State group (ISIS) on Saturday, the militant group was the one behind the attack.The ISIS was re
Many refugees in France and across Europe are in fear of their lives as many people are using them as a scapegoat in light of the terror attacks that occurred in Paris on Friday.
As a testimony to how frustrated Europeans are with daily swell of refugees coming to nations like Germany and Greece, an anti-immigration propaganda film called “With Open Gates: The forced collective suicide of European nations” has gone viral in Europe, having been watched half a million times.
As the names of the victims from Friday’s deadly terror attack in Paris emerge, several of the 129 people killed have been identified as Latinos. Nohemi Gonzalez, a 23-year-old student from El Monte, California, was the first U.S. citizen reported dead. Gonzalez was eating at a restaurant when she was fatally shot.
Social media has become a beacon of keeping up with world news and events, however in response to the horrific attacks that have plagued Paris, Facebook has added a feature to help users share their support for the country in its trying times.
More than 100 people have died from a reported coordinated attack in Paris, France on Friday night. More than 100 people have died from a reported coordinated attack in Paris, France on Friday night.
President Nicolás Maduro's stepson and wife's nephew are facing charges in New York, but if a group of Venezuelan opposition figures has their way, the embattled president himself may soon have to stand trial for "crimes against humanity."
Underage marriage is now banned in Guatemala. Underage marriage is now banned in Guatemala. As reported by Reuters, the new law, which was approved in Congress by a vote of 87-15, raises the age a Guatemalan girl can marry from 14 to 18.
A video was recently released from the Islamic State (ISIS) militant group, announcing a message for Russia that they will soon be attacking Kremlin. The video comes after a bombing incident occurred last Oct. 31, killing 200 people in Russia which is suspected to be an ISIS activity.
Despite a recent high court ruling that suspended the secession process, pro-independence leaders in Catalonia say they will keep moving forward with their plans to break away from Spain.
As a further proof that the Colombian rebel group FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia) is making an effort at peace, the leader of the Marxist organization, Rodrigo Londono Echeverri, says that he ordered his fighters to cease purchasing guns and ammunition in September.
The Colombian government is weighing the legalization of all abortions until the 12th week of pregnancy without requiring women justify their decision, a high-ranking government official said this week at a local conference.
U.S. agents on Tuesday arrested two members of the immediate family of powerful Venezuelan first lady Cilia Flores in a move that could further taint Washington's strained relationship with the South American country and with Flores' husband, embattled President Nicolás Maduro.