This past Saturday Colombia’s President Juan Manuel Santos announced that he would be putting a stop to the use of herbicide that has been a fundamental part of U.S.-financed attempts to kill coca crops.
Cuba is ready to name an ambassador to the United States by the end of the month, the Communist country's leader, Raúl Castro, said on Tuesday. President Obama "may" have chosen the U.S. ambassador to the island.
Since Obama’s decision to reopen ties with Cuba, Airbnb Inc -- a website designed to help travelers share their rooms -- has become the communist country’s fastest-growing market.
The regime of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un used an anti-aircraft gun to execute the country's defense minister, Hyon Yong Chol, South Korean media reports. This is not the first time an "enemy" of the regime has been executed in such a manner.
The socialist country is about to be making more news locally though as, with an approximately 25,000 violent deaths estimated for 2014 and 90 violent deaths reported in Caracas in the first week of 2015,
Raul Castro, the President of Cuba, just said that the teachings of Pope Francis had persuaded him not only to take a softer line on religion in his communist country, but that perhaps he might even be persuaded to return to the Catholic Church.
Paola Mejía lives in one of Honduras' most disadvantaged communities, but that has not kept the 14-year-old from becoming an Internet sensation with her viral "How to be Poor" videos.
Just two weeks after over 8,000 people died when a devastating 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck Nepal, another major earthquake has hit eastern Nepal, in the area near Mount Everest. One U.S. helicopter has gone missing, possibly downed due to fuel problems.
Migrants from Latin American has more than often been highlighted as the source for immigration in the U.S., but new research found China has surpassed Mexico as “the top sending county for immigrants to the U.S.”
In a precautionary move designed to assist authorities in Honduras in case of a hurricane disaster, the U.S. Marines have been scheduled to deploy to the Central American republic.
A corruption scandal in Guatemala that already cost the country's vice president her job is drawing even wider circles as the name of a sitting Supreme Court justice is mentioned in a wiretapped backdoor negotiation.
Mexico has put infant vaccinations on hold after two babies died and 29 were sickened when they were given injections against tuberculosis, rotavirus and Hepatitis B. The government is investigating the what caused the babies' death.
More than 1,000 people marched in Havana this weekend in what the Associated Press called a "colorful gay rights march" led by Mariela Castro, the daughter of Cuban leader Raúl Castro.
Dust particles in the Mars atmosphere create the blue sunset. More than three years after the National Aeronautics and Space Administration launched Curiosity to Mars, the rover has photographed its first sunset, reports the Washington Post.
A California couple who traveled to Mexico for a surrogate birth has been unable to obtain a local birth certificate for their newborn son, which has made it impossible for them to return the United States.
Police found and eight-year-old boy hidden in a suitcase at an airport on Thursday in an attempt to being smuggled across the border into Spanish territory in North Africa, Yahoo! News reports according to AFP.
Instructional videos that purport to show the extremes lengths pregnant women might have to go in order to terminate their pregnancy have been released online in Chile and have gained hundreds of thousands of views.