Russia passed a law preventing people considered to be "sexual deviants" from obtaining driver's license in an attempt to curb the country's atrocious number of car accidents. However, human rights groups and activists have decried the Kremlin's actions.
Pope Francis welcomed Angelina Jolie to the Vatican on Thursday after the movie "Unbroken," which the actress produced and directed, premiered in the city-state. The private screening took place at a patrician villa that is home to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, the station noted.
On Friday, Saudi Arabian authorities began carrying out a sentence of 1,000 lashes for a citizen who criticized the country's powerful clerics on his liberal blog.
Two hostage situations in France have ended with the hostage takers dead. However, at least four hostages are dead. Two of the hostage takers are believed to be the terrorists involved in the deadly attack on the offices of Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday.
Sloppiness or forgetfulness on the part of the hackers who targeted Sony Pictures Entertainment over "The Interview" helped the FBI trace the attack to North Korea. Though they used used proxy servers in an attempt to disguise their identity, the intruders "got sloppy" several times, according to James Comey, the bureau's director.
The United Nations' World Health Organization is continuing the testing of experimental vaccines and has become optimistic on the medicine's progress as well as the decreasing number of infections in Liberia.
Sri Lanka held presidential elections Thursday between President Mahinda Rajapaksa and his opponent, Maithripala Sirisena, according to the Wall Street Journal.
South America is calling your name... particularly after you've given 20+ years to your respective occupation, and you're good and tired and ready to enjoy your retirement. You've earned it, and when you choose retirement destination, do so with confidence and excitement.
Three political prisoners have been released from prison in Cuba. The three men are reportedly among the 53 people the United States (U.S.) government categorized as political prisoners and in efforts to normalize diplomatic relations between the two countries.
Some store shelves in Argentina are empty of one of the most personal hygiene products, tampons, and fingers are pointing at government officials and product importers.
French police on Thursday continued the manhunt for two brothers wanted for the terrorist attack on the magazine Charlie Hebdo, in which 12 people were killed on Monday. Cherif Kouachi, 32, and Said Kouachi, 34, are the main suspects in the massacre, and authorities so far have been unable to apprehend them.
On Wednesday, Prince Albert and his wife, Princess Charlene, introduced their Monegasque subjects to the baby who one day will likely rule the world's second-smallest country.
Alfredo Castillo, a Mexican federal security official, has revealed that Mexican drug cartels forced their gang members to consume the hearts of murder victims as part of an initiation rite.
Amid shortages in the OPEC country often blamed for oil price declines, Venezuela ran out of McDonald's French fries and now serves a side of yuca instead.
U.S. President Barack Obama met with Mexico President Enrique Peña Nieto ahead of the countries' bilateral High-Level Economic Dialogue (HLED) meeting. While Peña Nieto and Obama discussed economic topics, the two presidents spoke about immigration and the renewed diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Cuba.
The discovery of the tail section of crashed Flight QZ8501 may lead investigators to the black box that recorded the fatal journey of AirAsia's Airbus A320,