
Colombian Women's Cycling Team's 'Semi-Nude' Fashion Faux-Pas

A Colombian women's cycling team has a new "revealing" uniform, which appears to show plenty of the female cyclists wearing them.

Ebola Virus Outbreak News & Symptoms 2014: President Obama to Unveil Plan to Fight Disease in Africa

Afflicted African countries have asked for international help U. S. President Barack Obama on Tuesday will outline his plan to help African countries battle the worst Ebola outbreak in recorded history.

Venezuela Virus 2014: Mysterious Disease Reportedly Infects Aragua Area; Governor in Denial

An unknown disease has infected people in the Venezuelan state of Aragua but the state's governor denies these allegations.

Hispanic Heritage Month 2014: Central America Independence Day, 193 Years Later as 5 Countries Continue to Improve Future

With a declaration by Central American Criollos on Sept. 15, 1821, five countries announced their independence from Spain. The date would later signify the start of National Hispanic Heritage Month in the U.S.

Matthew Miller: American Sentenced to 6 Years with Labor in North Korea

American Matthew Miller has been sentenced to 6 years with labor in North Korea after being convicted of hostile acts and illegally entering the country.

Greg Norman: Golf Legend Recovering from Chainsaw Accident

Golf legend Greg Norman is in the hospital recovering from a chainsaw accident last night. Australian golfing legend Greg Norman, 59, nearly lost his left hand in a chainsaw accident while cutting branches in his backyard.

David Haines Beheading: Government and Family Release Statements Following British Aid Worker's Execution

Prime Minister David Cameron, the White House and David Haines' family have issued statements following Haines' execution.

Ebola Virus: Fourth Doctor Dies in Sierra Leone, WHO Unable to Provide Funding

Ebola virus kills fourth doctor in Sierra Leone, WHO unable to provide funding A fourth doctor has died in Sierra Leone from the Ebola virus amid the continuing outbreak because of a denial for funds to evacuate her, The Associated Press reported.

Catholic Church: Pope Francis Marries 20 Unorthodox Couples in St. Peter’s Basilica

The pope married various couples that would not have been married by the Church previously like couples living together, couples with children out of wedlock and divorced couples.

Islamic State: Conference in Paris Aims to Divide Responsibility in Coalition Against ISIS

Conference in Paris aims to divide responsibility in coalition against Islamic State A historically important city in world wars, Paris will host yet another international conference Monday to divide responsibility in confronting the Islamic State.

CIA: ISIL Numbers Double to 20K Fighters

The number of ISIL's troops range between 20,000 and 31,500, according to estimates by the CIA. These are more than double the previously thought numbers.

Kickstarters to Watch: 'A Bridge of Hope and Light' at the Tense Border Between Dominican Republic and Haiti

Border of Lights is a collection of individuals influenced by the Haitian and Dominican diaspora and moved to shed light on the injustices felt by Dominicans of Haitian descent dwelling in the Dominican Republic.

ISIS Terrorist Group News: Britain Executed in New Video, Prime Minister David Cameron Threatened

The Islamic State released a third execution video today showing the beheading of a British aid worker, David Haines, for the first time targeting the United Kingdom.

Canada: Large, Diverse Immigrant Group After Years of Constant Immigration

Canada has a large diverse immigrant group after years of constant immigration Two decades of stable immigration has made the Canadian population significantly diverse, according to a recent survey.

Argentina Debt: Lawmakers Pass Legislation to Sidestep U.S. Court Order, U.N. Votes to Begin Treaty Negotiations over Vulture Funds

Argentinian lawmakers passed a measure to circumvent a US court decision that led to the country's default on its debt payments to bondholders. During the same week the UN passed a resolution to begin treaty negotiations to enact a global bankruptcy and stop predatory hedge funds, 124 countries voted for the resolution, the US said no.

NATO: Ukraine Wants to Be Major Ally to Help Establish Peace

Ukraine wants to be major non-NATO ally to help establish peach Ukraine has to give the eastern regions which are part of the separatist movement veto power over future membership in NATO and European Union to end the movement, a former envoy of Russian President Vladmir Putin told Bloomberg.

National Geographic Top 'Sacred Places' List: Belize Ancient Mayan Cave Ranks First

Belize's Actun Tunichil Muknal (Cave of the Crystal Sepulchre), or ATM, is a true gem and archeologist's dream.Now I understand why "Ghost Hunters International" Season 3, dedicated its ninth episode to feature "The Crystal Maiden: Belize and France" and evaluated the ghost stories behind the "Mysterious Maiden."

Woman Missing Part of Brain: Chinese Doctors Discover No Cerebellum

Chinese doctors were puzzled when tests of a young woman came back and showed that she was missing a critical part of her brain, yet had led a normal life.

ISIS: Terrorist Group Strikes Deal with Syrian Rebel Groups Backed by the U.S.

While the United States begins to strengthen its ties with Syrian rebels, it's been reported that one of the rebel groups agreed to a ceasefire with ISIS on Friday.

Two Fighter Jets Crash in Pacific: Search for Missing Pilot Continues

The search continues for the Navy F/A-18 fighter jet pilot that remains missing after two planes crashed while operating in the western Pacific Ocean.
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