Latinos are not belated when it comes to utilizing electronics and handheld devices. And, Pew Research Center's recent analysis of three of their surveys supports this claim, stating that a majority of Latinos own smartphones and other mobile devices, access the Web, and visit social networking sites from remote gadgets at a higher rate than other groups of Americans.

Eighty-seven percent of English-speaking U.S. Hispanics own cell phones vs. 80 percent non-Hispanic whites. Just four years ago, only 76 percent of Latinos owned a cellphone, showing a growth of 11 percent. Also, Hispanics use their cell phones more often - also using more features, Pew Research Center indicated. In 2009, Hispanics were the leading ethnic group to use mobile Internet access. When it comes to smartphone ownership, 49 percent of Latinos own and operate them, which is comparable to whites (46 percent) or black (50 percent).

Roots co-founder Questlove recently made a wonderful observation concerning technology and the way that technology is utilized. He said, "In recent years, technology has really played a game-changing role in how we create and how we consume art." This statement is important because Latin Americans come from a tradition of creativity - when it comes to music, dance, food, and artwork. Latinos easily sail above the rest when it comes to implementing creativity into every aspect of life. Technology helps individuals exchange the products of their creativity, to advertise their skills, to exercise use of knowledge, and to share.

"Between 2009 and 2012, the share of Latino adults who say they go online at least occasionally increased from 64 percent to 78 percent," according to Pew. "Among whites, Internet use rates also increased, but only by half as much."

Connected Hispanics and Civic Engagement, published by the Hispanic Institute, indicates that Hispanics' use of cellphones is so prevalent because it "builds upon the cultural affinity for close connections and it opens ways for organized political and social action." Technology provides venues and platforms for discussions that are of real importance to the community, such as immigration reform and foreign policy. Technology also often coincides with the Latino values, customs and lifestyles. Like Latinos, it's always working and it's always changing, and exceeding expectations. Technology pays respect to tradition, but seeks modernity.