Valeria Lukyanova, the 29-year-old Ukrainian model who is better known as the real-life "Human Barbie," has unleashed a harsh attack against famous celebrity blogger Perez Hilton.

Lukyanova lashed out at Perez after he that implied the doll-like Internet sensation was a hypocrite for not embracing her nickname as the "Human Barbie." According to Perez, the nickname "literally made her famous." However, Lukyanova told back in June that she thinks it is "degrading and insulting." She went on to say that she has "to comply with it because it's become part of my aesthetic image, but I don't like it." She added that she tolerates being compared to the iconic doll because that's what her fans demand.

Weeks later, Lukyanova responded to the media personality by criticizing his physical appearance and suggesting that he get a "boob job." She also posted side-by-side photos comparing her body to Perez's, adding the words "Natural Sporty" on her picture and "Natural Awkward" on his.

"This is funny coming from a man who looks like clown," Lukyanova wrote in a Facebook post Tuesday. "Before you decide to broadcast your naked torso, you should probably make sure you are nice to look at. It has always amazed me how people with the weirdest bodies are so full of themselves."

"He says I am not natural and I am made of plastic surgeries and Photoshop but do you know what? A boob job wouldn't hurt him because even for a guy, his chest is way too flat," she wrote.

Lukyanova also took a shot at her archenemies "Human Ken" Justin Jedlica, calling him a "lost case" who "simply [looks] awful."

"Such characters as Justin and Perez make their names by publicly offending famous people like me," Lukyanova laments, concluding:

"Ok well, here goes my PR to them and may they enjoy eating crumbs from the master's table."