A tech savvy creator has created a new emulator so that gamers can enjoy Nintendo DS games on non-jailbroken devices.

The emulator is called nds4ios. Before, the app was only downloadable on jailbroken devices via outlets like the Cydia jailbreak app store because it was not in Apple's App store. According to 9to5Mac, however, the new version of nds4ios gets around this stipulation through use of enterprise provisioning profile reports. Normally, businesses use these reports to distribute apps amongst its employees. The creator of nds4ios had something else in mind, however, and is instead using them to share the app with the public.

"Apple has already revoked the profile, but by changing the date on your iOS device to a date in the past you can still install the emulator," 9to5Mac reports.

The app reportedly works, for the most part. 9to5 Mac says that older games work "decently." In addition, the apps says that it is compatible with iOS 7 game controller accessories. Newer games such as Pokémon Black, on the other hand, have been displaying "unusable frame rates."

"Just like Gba4iOS you can expect Dropbox Sync and from what I've played on my iPad Air a pretty good framerate," TouchArcade reports. "It should also support MFi controllers since the jailbroken version does. You can also interact directly with the touchscreen, just like a normal Nintendo DS so it's really neat."

Interested gamers can download the app on the nds4ios website here. Downloaders should use caution, however. Since the app is not backed up by Apple, there is no sure way of knowing how it can affect your phone. Negative results are indeed possible.

The app only works on iOS 5.1.1 or later versions. Apparently, it is not the first of its kind.

"Other emulators have appeared on the App Store in the past, disguised as other apps, but this is available outside of the App Store and is the first Nintendo DS emulator we have seen," 9to5Mac reports. "A Game Boy emulator is available using the same method."


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