"Return to Roanoke", the fictional reality show on "American Horror Story" is coming to a close, with the lone survivor about to emerge in the episodes to come. After a jaw-dropping episode 6, fans are anxious to see what episode 7 has to offer.

The preview for episode 7 has been released and according to International Business Times, The clip opens with Dominic (Cuba Gooding Jr.) sitting in the confessional, discussing the benefits of being "the bad guy." It remains unclear what that means for his fate - will he be killed off or will his tricks help him be the lone survivor among the cast?

There is also the suggestion of a sinister evil entity in Matt (Andre Holland) and Shelby's (Lily Rabe) abandoned farmhouse, with the spirits haunting them seeming more and more real. This twist could finally be what shakes Sidney (Cheyenne Jackson) out of her disbelief.

In another scene, Audrey and Rory are the first ones to move into the house and are shocked suddenly a mysterious figure is seen walking outside the house. The two try to relax and forget about it when the rest of the cast arrive, however more and more supernatural occurrences started to happen in the house. Additionally, a title card appears on-screen saying that all the footage the audiences are watching is just found footage, as everyone on-set has died, except for one.

As reviewed by Collider, so far, the first to die has been Rory, after running to Shelby who was in the shower and was scared by a pig-headed ghost. As Rory came to Shelby, killer nurses approach Rory and stab him to death. Soon after, Matt sees the word "MURDER" painted on the wall, with each letter a representation of the first name of each of the killer nurses' victims.

"American Horror Story" Season 6 Episode 7 will air next Wednesday on FX.