One of the most famous horror survival video game series "Resident Evil" is coming out with the latest edition "Resident Evil 7." Capcom is one of the biggest Japanese game developers have confirmed that the latest edition will be available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

The Resident Evil series has been one of the best single player shooting game, rising to fame with all the series "Resident Evil 4" has been a huge success. The game will maintain the continuity with the previous titles but it is said to have a new start with a new lead character and setting as per Master Herald.

The PlayStation 4 has already received the demo of the game and the Xbox One demo will arrive on the 9th followed by the PC demo on December 19th. The game will be released on January 24, 2017.

Finally it's time to pick up those varieties of guns and shoot those zombies in the most astonishing settings. The demo broke the record of two million downloads on PlayStation Now as stated on Now Loading.

The story of the game is pretty interesting and Ethan Winters will be the main protagonist. Searching for his wife Mia Ethan will encounter with the Baker family mansion in Louisiana. The game will have many secrets as Ethan sets off on his mission in the ruins.

The game is believed to take the psychological horror route like "Silent Hill" and it is sure to be better than the previous part. For some gamers they found the "Resident Evil 6" a little disappointing compared to Resident Evil 5 and 4.

Capcom has always surprised gamers with new innovations and it looks like there will be many surprises in the upcoming game. There are also said to be new inventories and weapons, this might be exactly what gamers need. With little more than a month left the Resident Evil 7 will be out soon.