
Capcom Disney Afternoon Collection on PC is a Nostalgic Blast from the Past

There are six games in the Disney Afternoon Collection plus bonus content. Capcom has released the Disney Afternoon Collection and it includes 6 8-bit games featuring famous Disney characters.

Nintendo NES Classic Mini Edition Still Scarce; Capcom’s The Disney Afternoon Collection to Solve Stock Problems

Nintendo NES Classic Mini Edition stock is still scarce but it appears that a solution is on its way.

'Street Fighter 5' News: Play The Game For Free On Steam Starting March 28; How To Play As Zero Suit Samus

Capcom is letting PC players play "Street Fighter 5" on Steam for free. Those who are interested to try out the new "Street Fighter 5" may do so for free on Steam for one week starting March 28.

'Street Fighter V' Update: Balance Patch To Hit Game This April

Many players have considered Street Fighter V as a stagnating game, which is why a new balance update is expected to hit this coming April. the new update will address several fixes to the game in order to make it balanced and fun to play again.

‘Monster Hunter XX’ Lets Players Use ‘Sailor Moon’s’ Black Cat [Video]

Sailor Moon just turned 25. In celebration, they are teaming up with Monster Hunter to bring the lovable black cat Luna to the game series.

'Resident Evil 7' Review & News: 'Banned Footage' DLC Trailer Released; Speed Runners Make New World Record For Horror Game

The "Banned Footage" DLC for "Resident Evil 7" has been released "Resident Evil 7" was released recently and the game received mixed reactions from gamers worldwide.

‘Ultra Street Fighter II’ Stays On The Switch For The Time Being, Says Producer

Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers brings the 90’s fighting experience to the upcoming Switch. When asked if the game would be seen on other consoles, series Producer Yoshinori Ono was quick to state that it could happen, on one condition.

Nintendo Switch Games & News: 'Ultra Street Fighter 2' Adds New Characters - Evil Ryu and Violent Ken

Capcom is bringing “Ultra Street Fighter 2” to Nintendo Switch and 2 new characters have been added.

'Resident Evil 7' News & Update: Capcom Says Game is Scariest, Most Difficult of All Titles

Capcom reveals that horror fans will delight as “Resident Evil 7” goes back to its real horror roots.

'Mega Man' Games Coming to iOS, Android Mobile Devices But The Hype’s Not Worth It; Here's Why

"Mega Man" games for iOS and Android mobile devices have been released but they're terrible and here's why.

MegaMan Series To Come To iOS And Android, Pre-Orders Start Now

Capcom announces its original MegaMan series to be available on iOS and Android platforms. While no exact date has been shared as of yet, the game is set to arrive in early 2017.

Megaman Celebrates 30th Anniversary With Megaman 1-6 Mobile Releases [Video]

The Megaman series have been part of the nostalgic 8-bit era. Capcom is relieving the era by bringing Megaman 1-6 on Android and iOS.

'Devil May Cry 5' Latest News & Update: Hideaki Itsuno May Unveil New Game in 2017 [RUMORS]

"Devil May Cry 5" may be in the works and will be released by 2017, according to rumors. The first of Capcom's "Devil May Cry" franchise was released last 2001 and recently celebrated its 15th year.

'Street Fighter V' News & Updates: New Playable Contents But No New Game Version Soon, Capcom Confirms

While Street Fighter V awaits a huge volume of upcoming DLCs, Capcom reiterates that a new version of the game like "Super Street Fighter V" is far-fetched. Read more here.

‘Reisdent Evil 7’ Latest News & Update: Albert Wesker to Return in Game; Preorder Now on Steam to Get 24% Off [RUMORS]

Capcom's "Resident Evil 7" may mark the return of Albert Wesker or at least his relative, according to recent speculations.

'Monster Hunter XX' News & Trailer: Capcom's New Clip Teases Renkin Style Gameplay - What You Need to Know

Capcom has released new trailers for "Monster Hunter XX" and it is believed to be a game changer in gameplay.

Monster Hunter XX Latest Patch: New Update On Alchemy Style, SP Mode, & More

Capcom has officially issued a new update for its Monster Hunter XX game. The update features some enhancements on Alchemy Style, SP mode, as well as updates on current monsters in the game.

'Street Fighter V' News & Update: Capcom Imposes Stricter Penalties for Rage Quitters; Game Patch Details

Habitual rage quitters in "Street Fighter V" will be forced to stand their losing game in the latest patch of the game.

'Resident Evil: Vendetta' Release Date, Cast and News: Capcom Releases CG Film Images; Leon Kennedy, Rebecca Chambers, Chris Redfield Confirmed!

Capcom's "Resident Evil: Vendetta" confirms the appearance of Leon Kennedy, Rebecca Chambers, and Chris Redfield.

“Devil May Cry 5” Ninja Theory: latest update, News

Capcom might have continued to delay with "Devil May Cry 5" but the developers have promised their fans a better gaming experience with its upcoming "Resident Evil 7"

Resident Evil 7 latest news, update, release date

The upcoming Resident Evil 7 is believed to be better that the previous versions of the game, with the demo leading to more than a million downloads it is one of the most anticipated games of 2017.