During the last episode of "Arrow," a new character was introduced in episode 11 titled "Second Chances." Oliver Queen was saved and rescued by a new female character named Talia al Ghul who has a prior debut in episode 10 who was seen in a flashback.

Talia al Ghul was the daughter of the late League of Assassins leader, Ra al Ghul. Talia who has a cameo role in the "Arrow" turned out to be the trainer of the trainer of Oliver Queen. Talia trained Yao Fei Gulong (played by Byron Mann) who master martial arts and archery and happens to be the first mentor of Oliver (played by Stephen Amell), iDigitalTimes has reported.

Fans might wonder how Talia be the master of Yao Fei Gulong and still has a youthful face? The fountain of Youth or better known as Lazarus Pit is the reason why she maintained her youthful appearance. All along, Talia al Ghul knew Oliver was a trainee of Yao Fei Gulong, not just that, but all of Oliver's movement. Talia knew his stay in Hong Kong and his current mission in taking down Kovar (played by Dolph Lundgren) in Russia.

The Season 5 episode 12 of "Arrow" will mainly focus the new mission of Oliver in taking down Kovar. During the episode 12, Talia will reveal how she knew all the things about the Green Arrow, she will then take him as bait in killing someone to fully check his capabilities. Talia will take Oliver under her tutelage after she made an assessment to Oliver's mental state.

Fans will finally know the history of how Oliver became a vigilante. Right after assessing the mental state of Oliver, Talia needed to control the monster within him. Talia said that he needed an outlet, like becoming a vigilante wherein she provides his bow, arrows, and green leather suit and trained him as a vigilante in his city.

The report claimed that the return of Oliver in Star City is the seed fruit planted by Talia in him. Talia al Ghul is a mysterious character as he also knows about Prometheus, the main villain in "Arrow" season 5.

Meanwhile, a new Black Canary named Tina Boland will also be on board in Team Arrow. "Arrow" season 5 episode 12 will air on February 8 on The CW.