
Women activists plan to vanish temporarily on Monday to see how Mexico would function without women.

Protests over gender equality and abuse in Mexico have only grown and intensified, but it appears that it hasn't affected anything significantly. Activists wanted to experiment on what happens to Mexico if women started to disappear one day.

Everyone in Mexico, including the feminist community, celebrities, the people who work for the government, and those who don't usually pay attention to issues, has made the debate their subject in their conversations, whether it is in the streets or social media.

Housewife Marta Patricia Ramirez stated that the plan of the women activist is a great idea and has agreed to participate in the protest. She gathered all the people in her community to talk about the violence and abuse of women.

Some women decided to close their store for a day. Some told their husbands they won't be washing a single utensil or a piece of shirt and that their daughters will be deactivating their social media accounts temporarily.

Women and feminist groups on Facebook have posted and discussed the event. This protest will show men and the country what would happen if women suddenly disappeared or were killed because of abuse and violence, just like how a lot of women have.

National Citizen's Observatory of Femicide's coordinator, Maria de la Luz Estrada, stated that she does not want more of these abuses to happen and wants a solution to solve the problem.

3,825 deaths of women have already been reported. Mexico has already been recognized as one of the most unsafe countries for women to live.

These deaths were usually caused by sexual abuse and ruthlessness that it has been labeled as femicide. Most of the perpetrators and criminals haven't been caught.

Estrada, along with the women, plans to protest with rage and resentment but with remembrance.

20,000 women are demanded to participate in the protest on Sunday to celebrate the International Women's Day.

Schools and universities took part in the event and several establishments and companies decided to participate in the protest and have urged their employees to participate too.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has also supported the event and encouraged his employees to cooperate.

While most of the women in Mexico agreed to participate in the protest, few women believed that the protest won't significantly change everything since men will never change. They said they won't be taking part in the event.

Some people are worried about the consequences if they decide to participate or if the whole company decides to close for the day. They believe that they would be paid less if this event is pushed through. Some single and widowed women also don't have men they can rely on to take care of their children in the meantime.

Some women decided not to participate in the event because they won't be able to. They encouraged women who can participate to be the one to represent them instead.