6 Ways to Keep Your Mind Occupied While You’re on Lockdown

During this time, when the world is facing a global epidemic, everyone is trying to find creative ways to keep both their body and mind busy. But let's face it. You've spring cleaned the house, twice, and caught up on all the little things you keep putting off. So now what?
Here are some fun things you can do at home to keep you sane while we wait for the world to get back to normal.
Find a DIY Project Online
One of the upsides of the whole world facing the same crisis is that everyone is in the same boat. People from all over the globe are stuck inside their homes and grasping at straws to come up with fun and creative ideas to keep busy.
The positive side is that many of these people are sharing their creativity on the internet. So fire up your PC and start browsing. Search for topics that interest you; you might be pleasantly surprised with what you find.
Pinterest is also a great way to find DIY projects. Whether it's making a vegetable patch or painting a feature wall in your living space, there are so many fun concepts you can personalize at home.
Read a Book
Let's face it. In this busy world, how often do you get time to sit down and get stuck into a good book? For book lovers, having extra time can be a God-send. Find a quiet place where no-one will disturb you and get comfortable.
If you don't have anything new to read, purchase a book online. There are a plethora of sites that have exclusive deals on offer; you're spoiled for choice.
Get Writing
Maybe you're an avid reader, or perhaps you have always secretly wanted to put pen to paper and write your novel. There's a famous saying that mentions every person has a book inside of them somewhere.
If that's you, there's no better time than the present to get started. Get a blank journal and start jotting down some ideas.
Video Games
If you aren't a lover of books, don't stress too much. There are plenty of other things that you can find to keep busy. If gaming is your thing, why not try out some video game making software for beginners.
It's more challenging and a lot more fun than just playing a game. You get to let your imagination run wild and develop a game right from the beginning.
Catch up on Your Favourite TV Shows
If you've exhausted every other avenue and you're tired, take some time out and use your Netflix account to download your favorite TV shows. Set some time aside to binge-watch episodes so that you're up-to-date.
There are also some exciting and educational documentaries that you can view. If you don't subscribe to Netflix, other services offer a library of movies and series at affordable rates.
Dig out that jigsaw puzzle you locked away in the attic and spend a little time on it each day. If the jigsaw puzzle doesn't appeal to you, then try your hand at a crossword puzzle. These can get the brain cells working and keep your mind occupied for a while.
You'll also be able to find hundreds of apps on your mobile device to keep your brain sharp and let you play against friends and family to keep you entertained.
Whichever way you choose to keep busy, keep in mind that this situation is not forever. Soon the world will get back to normal, and life will continue as we know it. For now, stay safe and keep busy.
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