With New COVID-19 Variants, Should You Upgrade Your Face Mask for Better Protection?

Since COVID-19 has become rampant due to the emergence of SARS-CoV-2, masks and other safety items that will protect the people from the virus became sought-after in the market. N-95 masks are deemed to be better masks than the usual blue and white surgical masks.
But because new variants or strain of SARS-CoV-2 have emerged, alongside the rolling of the COVID-19 vaccine, is it okay to upgrade the mask you are currently using?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), people should wear masks in public settings, during events and gatherings, and anywhere where they will be exposed to people. They also add that masks are now required to be worn on buses, planes, trains, and other public transportation traveling inside and outside the United States.
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Do you need to upgrade masks?
Time reports that the N95 masks are still the best option for protection available, and they are approved by the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).
They also add that the 95 means the mask filters about 95 percent of particles out of the air the wearer is breathing in. However, there are problems regarding this matter.
WebMD shares that the N95 masks are in short supply. Abraar Karan, MD, expresses his frustrations in an interview with WebMD because the high filtration mask is not available for the public for almost one year since the pandemic.
The supply of mask shas risen over the months, and that is because health workers are taking unusual steps to conserve the collection.
Since N95 masks are still deemed the best, but there is a scarce supply, even if cloth mask users should upgrade into N95, the supply will not suffice. According to Indiana University, using any mask is deemed safe as long as it fits and is worn correctly and consistently. So if you're wearing your mask right, there's no need to upgrade.
How to Further protect yourself
The CDC reminds us to choose masks that have two or more layers of breathable and washable fabric. They add that the veneers should completely cover the nose and the mouth, and it fits snuggly against the side of your face. Time shares that sticking with cloth masks is alright as long as you treat it as a dirty pair of socks once you get home and wash your hand after touching them. Graham McKeen shares with Indiana University that wearing double masks is better, but it must still be breathable, and it must be worn if needed. WebMD also references a tweet from former CDC director Tom Frieden, MD shares that almost any mask significantly reduces the virus's spread.
Upgrading to a better mask may not be possible because of the supply, but the shreds of evidence claim that even the cloth masks or the surgical masks are still useful as long they snuggly fit your face is worn correctly. Remember that masks do not only protect yourselves against COVID-19 but also others from taking it.
Related article : New Study Shows Homemade Face Masks Can Be Most Effective
WATCH: How Hard Is It To Find An N95 Mask? from Newsy
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