U.S. to Issue More Sanctions on Russia; Ukraine Facing More 'Hard Days' Ahead Amid War

U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said that the Joe Biden administration is set to issue more sanctions against Russia in the light of its invasion of Ukraine.
Sullivan said that the sanctions against Russia will be formally announced in the coming days, without giving the exact day and time when it will be issued, according to New York Post.
However, the outlet mentioned that the sanctions will be announced by the U.S. allies druing President Joe Biden's meeting with G7, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and European Union leaders in Brussels.
In the briefing, the U.S. national security adviser also said that Ukraine will experience difficulty in its war with Russia.
"There will be hard days ahead in Ukraine - hardest for the Ukrainian troops on the front lines and the civilians under Russian bombardment," Sullivan underscored.
Sullivan did not further what will make Ukraine face the "hard days" ahead, but the national security adviser pointed out that its war against Russia "will not end easily or rapidly."
Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Ukraine Will Not Win War With Russia
On Tuesday, Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene said that Ukraine has no chance of winning the war against Russia, per The Daily Mail, citing an interview posted online with BKP Politics.
Greene also blamed Ukraine for instigating the war against Vladimir Putin's country.
"You see Ukraine just kept poking the bear and poking the bear, which is Russia, and Russia invaded and the truth is--and this is a hard truth to accept--there is no win for Ukraine here," The Republican said in the interview.
Greene also noted that Russia was "very successful," highlighting that the public hears different things from the television.
"The things that we see and we know that is actually happening there - I don't see a way out for Ukraine," the Republican highlighted.
She then sympathized with the Ukrainian people, claiming that they are the ones who have to suffer.
In the interview, Greene also slammed President Joe Biden and called him "compromised" for staying out of the way amid the war in the European region.
United Nations Chief Urge Russia to End War With Ukraine
The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has gathered the attention of several international organizations
United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Antonio Guterres urged Russia to end its "absurd war" with Ukraine, Al Jazeera reported.
"Continuing the war in Ukraine is morally unacceptable, politically indefensible, and militarily nonsensical," Guterres pointed out.
Guterres also mentioned that the ongoing between Russia and Ukraine is "unwinnable," contending that the conflict will later move on to the peace table from the battlefield.
According to Al Jazeera, Russia is attacking Ukraine's port of Mariupol. The city's council noted that Russian troops were encircled the city and that two more huge bombs were dropped in the area.
As of date, the war against Ukraine and Russia has caused some 10 million Ukrainian to flee from their homeland, Guterres said. The United Nations official also emphasized that the implication of the war is felt around the world, citing high prices for food, energy and fertilizer.
This article is owned by Latin Post.
Written By: Joshua Summers
WATCH: Jake Sullivan Discusses Biden's Trip to Europe, Russia-Ukraine war - From CBS News
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