After carefully laying out their case, including testimonies from Stormy Daniels and former Trump administration officials and Trump Organization employees, star witness Michael Cohen finally testified at the Donald Trump Hush Money Trial.

Cohen was reportedly calm throughout his testimony and showed more civility than his usual snark whenever talking about his former boss in recent interviews since their falling out.

"I was honored," he said, describing his reaction when Donald Trump offered him a full-time job in the early 2000s. He then described his role as Donald Trump's "fixer," before telling the jurors, "I would only answer to him."

"It was fantastic. Working for him, especially during those 10 years, was an amazing experience in many, many ways," he told the jury. "There were great times, there were several less-than-great times, but for the most part, I enjoyed the responsibility that was given to me. I enjoyed working with my colleagues at the Trump Organization, the Trump children. It was a big family."

The disgraced former lawyer admitted that he relished being praised by Trump but also cowered whenever his then-boss would criticize him. He also admitted that he often did dirty things such as dealing in deception in his efforts to appease the real estate mogul.

"To accomplish a task, the only thing on my mind was to accomplish the task to make him happy," Cohen said. "When he tasked you with something, he would say: 'Keep me informed,' and you would [go] straight back and tell him, especially if it was a matter that was upsetting to him."

Cohen also talked about how he controlled media narratives about Trump and also described helping catch and kill negative press that could affect his then-boss negatively. This included the $130,000 payment with his own money to keep Stormy Daniels quiet about her affair with Trump.

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Donald Trump Gave Him the Green Light To Pay Stormy Daniels, Michael Cohen Said

As this is the porn star hush money trial, Cohen eventually testified about that very hush money payment to Stormy Daniels, a former adult film actress who allegedly slept with Donald Trump while Melania was still recovering from giving birth to their son, Baron.

"He expressed to me: Just do it," testified Cohen regarding the $130,000 payment. While hush money payments are not illegal, Trump is accused of breaking campaign finance laws and election laws because of the undisclosed payment to Daniels.

Cohen also talked about other possible Trump scandals, such as when he learned about a Trump Tower doorman who falsely claimed that his boss had a child out of wedlock. He testified that Trump told him, "You handle it."

All of this was so that Trump would not face negative press as he ran for president back in 2016, admitted Cohen.

Michael Cohen Testimony Expected To Continue on Tuesday

Cohen still has a lot to say, as the former Trump lawyer and fixer is set to return for a second day of testimony on Tuesday, with him being expected to answer even more questions regarding his relationship with Trump and his hush money payments to Stormy Daniels.

According to CNN, Cohen described himself as Trump's protector, making sure he had no scandals coming into the 2016 election against Hilary Clinton. He reportedly testified for about five hours on Monday.

READ MORE: Donald Trump Hush Money Trial Gets 'Stormy' as Stormy Daniels Takes the Stand

This article is owned by Latin Post.

Written by: Rick Martin

WATCH: Michael Cohen Reveals What Trump Said About Melania in Dramatic Testimony: A Closer Look - Late Night with Seth Meyers