After repeatedly calling for the imprisonment of presidential son Hunter Biden, Republicans do not seem very happy with the recent guilty verdict in a Delaware court. This may be because the guilty verdict contradicts their claims that there is a two-tier justice system favored towards President Joe Biden and against convicted felon former President Donald Trump.

For several years now, Republicans have been using Hunter Biden's problems with the law to attack his father. When the Biden DOJ launched an investigation that led to that Delaware trial, Republicans called it a show trial. When Hunter Biden was found guilty as they wanted, Republicans responded by moving the goalpost again with conspiracy theories.

As The Guardian pointed out, "Republicans have long sought to use Hunter Biden's woes and business dealings as a political weapon against Biden, ignoring the fact that Trump himself is also now a convicted felon whose own business empire has been fined hundreds of millions of dollars for fraudulent practices."

This is shown in the Trump Campaign's statement reacting to the verdict, which reads, "This trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the Biden Crime Family, which has raked in tens of millions of dollars from China, Russia, and Ukraine."

Other right-wing talking heads also tried to spin the guilty verdict after their two-tier justice system talking points were shattered. Including Charlie Kirk, a conservative activist and founder of Turning Point USA, who stated, "Hunter Biden guilty. Yawn. The true crimes of the Biden Crime Family remain untouched. This is a fake trial trying to make the Justice system appear 'balanced.' Don't fall for it."

The Hunter Biden guilty verdict has basically undermined Republicans' narrative that the president "weaponized" the justice department. However, not all Republicans were trying to spin the guilty verdict into a bad light, as James Comer, chairman of the House of Representatives Oversight Committee, stated that it was "a step toward accountability" before once again going into the same conspiracy theories.

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What Crimes Were Hunter Biden Guilty Of?

As for Hunter Biden himself, a Delaware jury was able to swiftly find the presidential son guilty of three felony charges that happened when he lied about his drug addiction while buying a gun.

According to Yahoo! News, the three felonies he was found guilty of are lying to a federally licensed gun dealer, Making a false claim on a federal firearms form used to screen applicants, and Possessing an illegally obtained gun. The younger Biden reportedly showed little reaction but then he kissed and hugged family members and friends as he exited the courtroom.

Republicans Slammed Over Their Double Standards Over Hunter Biden Guilty Verdict

As Republicans try to move the goalpost again, Democrats are once again pointing out their hypocrisy. This came as Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland, a Democrat, called out the GOP's differing responses to the convictions of Hunter Biden and Donald Trump.

"Compare and contrast the difference in reaction between the Republicans and the Democrats, said the Democrat, who is also a constitutional expert. "The Republicans are attacking our entire system of justice and the rule of law because they don't like the way that one case came out, whereas the son of the President of the United States is prosecuted, and I don't hear a single Democrat crying foul."

READ MORE: Hunter Biden Investigation: Republican Informant Alexander Smirnov Had Ties to Russian Intelligence

This article is owned by Latin Post.

Written by: Rick Martin

WATCH: President Biden reacts to son Hunter Biden's guilty verdict - ABC News