Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones's media empire is about to go down as a new filing from a bankruptcy court-appointed trustee showed that the notorious far-right outlet must be shut down and then sold off. The filing came weeks after a bankruptcy judge ordered Jones to liquidate his assets to pay off the judgments against him for lying about the Sandy Hook massacre.

Jones currently owes almost $1.5 billion to the families of victims of the Sandy Hook massacre, who sued the conspiracy theorist for using his InfoWars platform to claim that they were crisis actors and that the school shooting was just a psy-op so that the government could take away guns from Americans.

To stop himself from paying, Jones filed for bankruptcy, but this only raised some eyebrows as he continued to live a lavish lifestyle despite claiming to be bankrupt. However, as CNN noted, the judge ruled that Alex Jones's Free Speech Systems, the parent company of InfoWars, should not be liquidated partly because the process would be costly and lengthy. This then led the judge to dismiss Jones's bankruptcy case.

After Jones's bankruptcy case was dismissed, the Sandyhook families were free to go after his assets. This includes InfoWars as Jones owns its parent company, with the court trustee placed in charge of the company ruling that the company must be liquidated to pay for the rulings.

The court-appointed Trustee wrote in his filing that he "began planning to wind-up (Free Speech Systems') operations and liquidate its inventory," adding that the process was "derailed" when one of the Sandy Hook victim's parents filed a motion in a Texas District Court to be granted custody of all of Free Speech Systems' assets.

The Trustee then asked the bankruptcy judge to grant an emergency stay in the case. This should allow the "orderly wind-down and sale process" of Infowars.

Sandyhook Families Divided Over Trustee's Decision on Alex Jones's InfoWars Platform

Despite the filing sounding like Alex Jones has finally been brought to justice for misleading his viewers, the families of the victims of the Sandy Hook Massacre were actually divided with the court-appointed trustee's filing.

READ MORE: Alex Jones Bankruptcy Plan Rejected by Judge, Forced to Liquidate Assets and May Include InfoWars

Neil Heslin and Scarlett Lewis, who lost their 6-year-old son, Jesse, in the massacre and won a $50 million verdict in Texas against Jones, were the ones who asked a Texas court to take control of Free Speech Systems-however, the other families, particularly the ones in Connecticut, said this would undercut the distribution of assets.

"This is precisely the unfortunate situation that the Connecticut (lawsuit) families hoped to avoid," said Christopher Mattei, a lawyer for the Sandy Hook families in the Connecticut lawsuit. He added that this would "undercut" an equitable distribution of the conspiracy theorist's assets.

Sandyhook Parent Says She Wants To Respond to Alex Jones's Lies With Love

Scarlett Lewis, founder of the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement, recently talked about the case and said that while Jones hurt her and her family, she will continue to show love as a response, according to the News Times.

"We're going to talk about ways to thoughtfully respond with love, ways to rise above the energy going on in your life, and forgiveness," she said. . "People say to me, 'I could never forgive in (Lewis') situation,' but what about a situation you are in where you find yourself still resenting someone for something that happened in the past?"

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This article is owned by Latin Post.

Written by: Rick Martin

WATCH: Alex Jones Loses His Personal Fortune In Bankruptcy - LegalEagle