Conservative pro-Donald Trump propaganda movie, "2000 Mules," may have been dropped by its distributor after a recent lawsuit, but its debunked message is still being spread by some of its creators.

That message is the "Big Lie," which claims that Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential elections, which has repeatedly been proven false through various recounts sponsored by Trump himself, various court cases that Trump lost, and fact checks by various media organizations.

"2000 Mules," which is based on a book by Dinesh D'Souza, claimed that there was widespread voter fraud and permeated across right-wing echo chambers, being a source often used by Trump supporters to prove that their dear leader won the election. It claimed that Joe Biden used hundreds of so-called mules to illegally vote. As mentioned earlier, this has been debunked, even in court.

D'Souza, along with True the Vote and the film's distributor, Salem Media, were sued by Mark Andrews, the man featured in the film, who was alleged to have helped Joe Biden cheat as he was dropping off a ballot. The film gives no actual evidence that he was cheating and it turns out that Andrews was only dropping off his family members' ballots legally.

According to the Tucson Sentinel, Andrews sued the defendants when the movie's claims were already debunked. However, this lawsuit has led to Salem Media dropping the film and retracting its previous comments. The company also issued an apology to Andrews but only after the lawsuit.

"2000 Mules" has been routinely fact-checked, with its creators refusing to provide evidence on their claims and instead just challenging journalists to debates. This did not matter to Trump supporters though, as conservative nonprofit Turning Point Action is still slated to screen the debunked film in Wisconsin. D'Souza Media is also still distributing DVD copies of it.

D'Souza, a conservative activist, pleaded guilty to facilitating illegal campaign contributions in 2014. He was later pardoned by Trump.

'2000 Mules' Distributor Claims It Was Not Their Intent To Harm Mark Andrews With Pro-Trump Film

As expected from Trump supporters, they continually harassed Mark Andrews after watching the film. However, the lawsuit by Andrews soon led to Salem Media to issue an apology to him last Friday.

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"It was never our intent that the publication of the 2000 Mules film and book would harm Mr. Andrews," the national talk radio network stated in its apology statement. "We apologize for the hurt the inclusion of Mr. Andrews' image in the movie, book, and promotional materials have caused Mr. Andrews and his family."

"We have removed the film from Salem's platforms, and there will be no future distribution of the film or the book by Salem," it added. The distributor also claimed that it "relied on representations" that D'Souza had made.

Salem Media is known for distributing the programs of several prominent pro-Trump personalities such as Charlie Kirk and Sebastian Gorka.

Right-Wing Misinformation Gets Reckoning in Latest Court Defeats, Including '2000 Mules'

With Salem Media dropping and apologizing for "2000 Mules," more and more right-wing outlets have faced reckonings over spreading election misinformation. These include The Gateway Pundit which issued bankruptcy earlier this year, as well as Alex Jones who has been forced to liquidate his assets to pay for the lawsuits he lost.

According to NBC News, right-wing media, such as Fox News and Newsmax, have also been caught up in this reckoning, most especially Fox News which had its dirty laundry aired during the Dominion lawsuit last year.

The Murdoch-owned network was forced to settle for $787.5 million. As a result, Fox News, Newsmax, and fellow right-wing network OAN have been forced to be more careful surrounding its election coverage.

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This article is owned by Latin Post.

Written by: Rick Martin

WATCH: Krystal Ball DISMANTLES Dinesh D'Souza's "2000 Mules" Election Fraud Movie - Breaking Points