Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, faces significant legal repercussions after his recent conviction in a high-profile criminal gun trial.

As a result of the jury's findings, Hunter Biden law license in Washington, DC, has been promptly suspended by the District of Columbia Court of Appeals pending further proceedings, according to Fox News.

This development marks a pivotal moment in Biden's legal and professional life, impacting his ability to practice law in the nation's capital.

READ NEXT: Hunter Biden's Legal Team Denied Delay for Gun Trial, Judge Rules Trial Proceeds 

Background and Legal Proceedings

The legal saga surrounding Hunter Biden revolves around charges stemming from his firearm purchase in 2018.

Prosecutors argued that Biden, despite his acknowledged history of substance abuse detailed in his memoir, "Beautiful Things," provided false information on a federal firearm form, Forbes reports.

Specifically, they contended that he falsely denied being a user of controlled substances when purchasing the firearm.

Throughout the trial, Biden's defense team, led by prominent attorney Abbe Lowell, asserted that Biden was not actively using drugs at the time of the firearm purchase.

They highlighted procedural concerns and jurisdictional issues that they believe warrant further scrutiny and possibly a new trial.

Biden's own admissions in his memoir and corroborating evidence presented during the trial were central to the prosecution's case.

They portrayed Biden as struggling with addiction during the period when he acquired the firearm, underscoring the seriousness of his alleged misrepresentation on the ATF Form 4473.

In contrast, Biden's defense team countered with arguments of procedural errors and emphasized Biden's efforts toward rehabilitation.

They pointed out discrepancies in the timing of the trial proceedings and appellate decisions, arguing that these issues compromised the fairness of the trial.

Biden Seeks New Trial Amid Legal Challenges

In a significant legal maneuver, Biden's attorneys filed a motion seeking a new trial shortly after his conviction.

They cited procedural irregularities and asserted that the trial began before appellate court decisions had finalized related matters, AXIOS noted.

This motion underscores the complexity and contentious nature of the legal battle surrounding the Hunter Biden gun case.

Beyond the immediate implications of his firearm-related convictions, Hunter Biden faces additional legal challenges on the horizon.

Notably, he is slated to stand trial in California on separate tax crime charges later this year.

The outcomes of these legal proceedings could have profound implications for Biden's legal standing and potential sentencing in the future.

The suspension of Hunter Biden law license in Washington, DC, following his recent conviction marks a significant chapter in his ongoing legal saga.

As the legal proceedings unfold, the public and legal communities await further developments that could shape Biden's future.

The interplay of procedural challenges, substantive legal arguments, and personal testimony from his trial continues to cast a spotlight on his legal and personal challenges.

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This article is owned by Latin Post.

Written by: Ross Key

WATCH: Hunter Biden's law license suspended in DC - From Fox News