Rudy Giuliani is in serious financial and legal trouble as a hearing on his bankruptcy case devolved into arguments about the former mayor going to jail over "bankruptcy crimes," with his creditors saying that the former Donald Trump attorney is treating his own bankruptcy case like a joke.

Lawyers for his creditors are trying to get $148 million from Giuliani over his court loss to two Georgia election workers he falsely claimed to have rigged the election. They are also seeking to have him jailed over his alleged "bankruptcy crimes" and have his Chapter 11 bankruptcy case thrown out.

Rachel Strickland, an attorney representing Shaye Moss and Ruby Freeman, the two Georgia 2020 election workers who were proven to have been defamed by Giuliani, stated that the former New York City mayor is using the proceedings to protect himself from the financial ramifications of the defamation case which he lost. She also pointed out that he refused to "follow requirements that he disclose his income and assets" over and over again.

"He regards this court as a pause button on his woes while he continues to live his life unbothered by creditors," she said. "If the case is dismissed, creditors will be able to hold America's mayor accountable for the harms he's caused."

However, Giuliani attempted to interrupt the call and called the opposing attorney's statements "highly defamatory," and requested that the court take a break. Judge Sean Lane declined this request, according to Yahoo! News.

Originally, the former New York City Mayor and presidential candidate tried to convert the case from a Chapter 11 to a Chapter 7 so that he could liquidate his assets. This made Lane admit that he was thinking about dismissing the case outright, and also because he grew concerned about the former Trump lawyer using the matter to delay the payouts.

READ MORE: Rudy Giuliani Is Bankrupt Because Donald Trump Did Not Pay Him When He Worked as His Lawyer

What Would Happen Should the Judge Dismiss the Rudy Giuliani Bankruptcy Case?

For now, Freeman and Moss cannot collect the $148 million judgment that Giuliani owes them after they proved that he did indeed defame them when he lied about the 2020 election. This is all because of the former Trump attorney's bankruptcy case.

However, according to ABC News, once the case is dismissed, as the judge has threatened, the bankruptcy protection surrounding Giuliani's assets will be lifted and this would allow the two Georgia election workers, as well as other creditors, to pursue his money in the courts.

However, this would also allow Giuliani to be able to appeal the judgment against him.

Donald Trump Creditors Say Rudy Giuliani Treating Bankruptcy Case Like a Joke

Meanwhile, the lawyers for Giuliani's creditors have slammed the former mayor for trying to avoid accountability by "hiding behind the facade of an elderly, doddering man."

"Since day one, Giuliani has regarded this case and the bankruptcy process as a joke, hiding behind the facade of an elderly, doddering man who cannot even remember the address for his second multimillion-dollar home and claims impending homelessness if he must sell that second multimillion-dollar home," the lawyers stated in their filing. "In reality, Giuliani has treated this court, the bankruptcy process and the committee ... with utter disrespect and without accountability."

READ MORE: Rudy Giuliani Mugshot Taken, Pays Bond Over Arizona Fake Electors Case

This article is owned by Latin Post.

Written by: Rick Martin

WATCH: Giuliani Facing PRISON TIME After More Bankruptcy LIES - Talking Feds with Harry Litman