Between a disrupted wedding, Nick Burkhardt's loss of powers, and the apparent death of Captain Renard, NBC's "Grimm" left fans with a daunting cliffhanger at the end of Season 3.

At this year's Comic-Con International in San Diego, the stars and producers of "Grimm" opened up about what viewers can expect this fall during Season 4, which will include the introduction of two new kinds of Wesen creatures and a wedding.

When asked about Monroe's and Rosalee's honeymoon, actor Silas Weir Mitchell said, "We try. We try to have the honeymoon, but things are complicated in Portland these days. Things are turned upside down," reports the Los Angeles Times' Hero Complex.

"I think the two had a quickie in the VW bus," actress Bree Turner added.

Fortunately for fans, actor Sasha Roiz revealed that Captain Renard is not "really" dead and he will make a return to the show next season. However, he admitted that he wouldn't blame the writers if they did decide to get rid of his character for good.

"I wouldn't have faulted [the writers] if they said, 'That's the end of you,' cause I know that makes for great television." Roiz added, "I think we're going to try to find some sort of interesting way to bring him back to life."

According to EP David Greenwalt, once the show airs in October, viewers will be introduced to new Wesen creatures, including one that is similar to an octopus-headed man.

"We're gonna see some great new ones next season," said Greenwalt, adding, "and particularly coming in the first couple of episodes: a character who steals your identity but in a very disgusting way."

Executive producer Jim Kouf admitted that the writers have a tendency to get stuck in a box, which is exemplified by the wedding, Nick losing his powers and the new Grimm, Trubel, who will return in Season 5.

"We keep writing ourselves into corners, and then we have to figure out how to get out of them," he said, according to Entertainment Weekly.

"I just remember thinking that this season went from zombie apocalypse to wedding. One was not harder to do than the other, they were just different," said director Norberto Barda.

Furthermore, viewers can look forward to finally meeting Captain Renard's mother and getting insight about the purpose of the mysterious keys that have been an underlying theme since the beginning of the show.

"We have another key this year, and year 5 for sure, and we will answer what those damn set of keys mean and what they lead to," said Greenwalt.

Season 4 of "Grimm" premieres on NBC on Oct. 24.