Grand Theft Auto gets as much flack as it does accolades for its addictive and highly stylized interactive flights into the criminal world and its erotically charged adrenaline fantasies.

The game should probably also get respect for all the budding Youtube talent it has inspired.

Rockstar games is happy about what they see as internet homages to their money maker, and just after the release of Grand Theft Auto V on Playstation 4 and Xbox One, they have even helped to promote some fan films by linking them to their site.

Los Santos by Night, by The XXI, delivers a dreamy Mulholland Drive meets Walking Dead looking montage of the sexy GTA city life that ends just under 2 minutes.

A Whole New (Gen) World, by 8-Bit Bastard, takes us down the stark streets and mayhem of Los Santos and manages to make dangerous and kind of dorky a classic Disney love song.

GTAV Online, From PS3 to PS4, by Kokonitos, features some sophisticated time lapse action, as well as music by the London-based ambient-folk band Daughter, who should really just use this little film for their next video.

Driving Time Lapse-World in Motion, by SA96HD, puts you in a tranquil sped-up tour of Los Santos and Blaine County that will provide you with visual proof that video games just might have the power to sooth.

GTA5 Next Gen Skydive, by Ash0191, is a kind of stunt reel of freakish aerial manuevers.

First Person Scorcher Tower Wallride, by VaNilla, is a guy with a bike and a dream, and Gamespot call this tiny vid “quite possibly the coolest thing ever done in GTA V.”

Known for taking chances with its innovative gaming, GTA got into a bit of controversy a few years back over players being able to torture someone for an extended amount of time. These Youtube video show that a lot of gamers really just want to make art.