The last episode of "Brooklyn Nine-Nine," the hilarious Fox comedy, aired on March 15. A month is quite awhile to wait, but for those who have fell in love with this quirky network cop series, Episode 20, airing on April 26, is sure to give you that long awaited fix.

An injured Jake is forced to take time off from his job, but he is quite uneasy with the task. Terry, however, will not accept no for an answer, so Jake has no other choice but to take his leave. Holt and Rosa also go on a double date, which turns out mostly uncomfortable. As a result, intimate conversations are avoided at all costs, according to Spoilers Guide.

As stated by the Huffington Post, this ensemble comedy is not just a show about the dynamics between Andy Samberg's Jake Peralta and Andre Braugher's Captain Ray Holt. Although together they do make for some very amusing comical entertainment, the ensemble of characters, which include Boyle, Santiago, Jeffords and Diaz, are expressly humorous even if they are a bit overshadowed by the formers.

The dynamics in the cast are somewhat tense but still affable, which affords the characters the ability to work together. Couple the comical interactions with carefully paced flashbacks and the show reaches monumental feats of comedy.

An Entertainment Weekly article also aptly pointed out that Captain Holt was uniquely positioned as the tough-love character who was poised for great comedic interactions with his whimsical detective, given his background of rising up through the ranks as a gay men who had to fend off institutional bigotry to achieve his current rank.

When a show throws a character like Peralta into the mix with Holt, coupled with other hard-nosed, serious detectives, there's no telling what kind of laughs could be achieved. In essence, the show has incredible potential for years of laughter, given the right circumstance and the careful pacing of the humorous plots that await.