'Warcraft Movie' Cast & Teaser: First Photo of Ogrim Doomhammer Released
Fans of the popular role-playing game "World of Warcraft" have been looking forward to see its movie adaptation ever since Warner Bros. confirmed its development at the 2013 Comic Con.
Two years later, the first still images of Ogrim Doomhammer, who is the warchief of the Orcish Horde, has finally been revealed on Wired and he looks very frightening.
Here's your first look at Orgrim, Warcraft's hunky star https://t.co/Qwy59kO1Q8 pic.twitter.com/uf0CipmqGN
— WIRED (@WIRED) May 19, 2015
The man behind Ogrim is none other than 33-year-old English actor Robert Kazinsky. According to film director Duncan Jones, they looked for specific qualities in the actor that would portray Ogrim and they were fortunate to see all that in Kazinsky. "We were looking for someone who would be able to perform the gruffness, the humor and the toughness of this character," Jones said. For Ogrim's look, the men at Industrial Light and Magic collaborated with series creator Blizzard Entertainment for a concept art that they combined with photos of Kazinsky. The two photos revealed online were the only images available from the project in development that had seen its original release date in March 2016 pushed back to June. In April, Legendary Pictures announced the change throught its official Twitter page.
.@Legendary’s WARCRAFT will be in theaters Friday, June 10, 2016. #Summer2016 — Legendary (@Legendary) April 24, 2015
This is the second time Blizzard Entertainment pushed back the release of the anticipated movie.
In November 2013, the company wrote an update on its Twitter page to announce that the "Release date for WARCRAFT from @Legendary Pictures released by @UniversalPics is moving from December 18, 2015 to March 11, 2016."
It was revealed that the reason for the delay is because "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" would open in theaters on the same date, which would prove to be a tough competition for the film, Game Spot noted.
In November 2014, it was confirmed at the Blizzcon that Ben Foster, Travis Fimmel, Rob Kazinsky, Toby Kebbell, Clancy Brown, Dominic Cooper, Ben Schnetzer and Paula Patton would join the cast of the movie.
Cooper would portray King Llane Wrynn from the human side. Kazinsky is Ogrim while Foster plays Medivh. Patton would portray Garona and Kebbell would be chieftain Gurotan.
Because of the huge world "Warcraft" is in, previous rumors suggested that the movie is actually part of a trilogy. Jones set the record straight while speaking with 2P.
"Peter Jackson did a magnificent job of "setting the table" for Tolkien's universe with his first Lord of the Rings film. I know that my job in this first film is to establish certain characters, places and culture while telling a story that a broad audience can be excited by," the director said.
"Hopefully, if I have done my job right, people will want to know and see more! There is certainly plenty more to tell! I would love to be part of that process of expanding on the lore that makes up Warcraft, but it will all depend on what you, the audience, think of our first film!" he added.
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