There is bad news coming from Metropolis. The highly anticipated Man of Steel sequel, also known as Batman vs. Superman, has been delayed until 2016.

Zach Snyder's Man of Steel sequel was originally scheduled for a Jul. 15, 2015 release. Warner Bros. Pictures has decided to delay this release until May 6, 2016, CNN reports. According to the studio, the delay is to provide "filmmakers time to realize fully their vision, given the complex visual nature of the story."

"We know that there is already great anticipation building for the next super hero film from Zack Snyder, and we are equally eager to see what he has in store for Superman and Batman as they share the big screen for the first time ever," Veronika Kwan Vandenberg, president of Warner Bros. Pictures' international distribution, said.

The film's original release date will be filled with a new Peter Pan movie.

"Peter Pan has delighted people of every generation for more than a century, so we are thrilled to bring him back to the screen next summer for today's moviegoers," Dan Fellman, president of Warner Bros. Pictures' domestic distribution, said.

Batman vs. Superman's delayed release means that moviemakers have plenty of time to determine if Justice League superheroes like Aquaman will appear in the film, and if so, who will play the king of the seas.

Although the hero is not yet confirmed for the movie, Josh Holloway, who currently stars in CBS' Intelligence, is the newest actor rumored to be under consideration for the role. Holloway, however, wasn't even sure of which superhero he was rumored to play.

"It hasn't been brought to my attention by my people," Holloway told IGN. "So maybe they're just floating it softly around, but that would be cool. Sure, I think I'm available at the moment as we just wrapped up. I'm an actor. I like different roles."

Although Holloway is interested, realistically, his responsibilities with Intelligence could affect his availability.

"Batman movies are awesome," he said. "Marvel movies are awesome, but we'll see. I'm on a series right now. I think they usually want to sign you up for several movies, and I don't know if you can do that when you're committed to a series..."