Jay Z's Tidal music service boasts its high quality music and exclusive content. Now, the service is touting its value when multiple users sign up, Tech Crunch reports.

Tidal was able to get the exclusive rights to Prince's music, which is one win for the service. However, Tidal also decided to match its competitors by offering a family plan.

Tidal's family plan is similar to the plan offered from Spotify. Tidal allows additional family members to sign up and they will be given a 50 percent discount on the monthly subscription. The discount will be offered for either the $9.99 per month Premium plan or the $19.99 per month high-fidelity plan.

Other music streaming services already offer family plans. Rdio, Spotify and Apple Music have set the example for Tidal. By matching these services, Tidal wants to stay competitive.

The Tidal family plan is more affordable for families that want to share music, but it is not as cheap as the family plan that Apple Music offers. The plan allows for each additional that signs up under the primary user to receive a discounted rate. Under the Premium plan, additional users can get Tidal for as low as $4.99 per month. Each account will be able to register up to three devices for offline listening.

Apple Music offers a $14.99 per month plan for up to six users. Tidal is available on a per user basis, meaning a big household could see their bills add up quickly. Spotify has hinted that they will offer a similar family plan as Apple Music.

Last month, Tidal offered a student discount plan that allows students with a .edu e-mail address to receive a 50 percent discount in the monthly rate.

The family plan is one step that Tidal is making to stay competitive with other streaming services. Tidal has to show that it is a better value than other streaming competitors, The Verge reports. Tidal and Apple could soon start a battle to see which service can get exclusive rights to popular artists.