Now that Breaking Bad has finally ended, Netflix users are flocking to House of Cards now more than ever -- and the video streaming company is reaping the benefits.

According to a report from Google Trends as examined by Citi analysts Mark May and Kevin Allen, the popularity of Netflix went up by 15 percent from the beginning of 2013 until the beginning of 2014. Part of this -- or a great deal of this -- is said to be because of the rising popularity of the popular hit show House of Cards, which enjoyed a very successful start to its second season.

The main character of the show, Kevin Spacey, was already a well-known actor but this web show has boosted him to become a prominent celebrity among popular TV shows in the United States and abroad. A CNN report indicated that the show is even "surprisingly available" in China, a nation that has been notoriously shut out -- in many aspects -- from the western world in recent years.

Shows such as House of Cards and Orange Is The New Black have been a huge part of the revolution of TV shows as they make the transfer from the TV screen to computer screens and tablet screens alike.

Reports have indicated that Netflix users have not just watched an episode here or there in their free time -- users have been on a "binge" of House of Cards ever since the second season took off and even before then. According to Google Trends, the show has increased in popularity by 75 percent from the beginning of 2013 to now, with the biggest surge being from January until February of 2014.

What do you think about the show? Is it one of your favorites or do you prefer other shows to this one? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.