Millions, maybe billions, of people went into rapture upon seeing the hotly anticipated "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" trailer. It dominated the screens around the world for 2.5 minutes revealing hoards of footage that fans have yet to see.

Here is what we learned from the new trailer.

The Force Remains An "Ancient Religion"

Remember that imperial meeting in "Episode IV: A New Hope" during which one of the imperial commanders tells Darth Vader that he prescribes to an "Ancient religion?"

And remember Han Solo's own skepticism toward Obi-Wan Kenobi when presented with a similar idea?

It seems that points of view on the force have not shifted all that much. At one point in the trailer Solo delivers the following lines to Rey after she asks about certain stories.

"It's true. All of it. The dark side. The Jedi. They're real," he says, thus suggesting that no one really understands the nature of the force 30 years after the defeat of the empire.

The Story Looks to Be About Rey's Coming to Terms with Being a Jedi, Just Like Luke in "Episode IV"

The trailer is bookended by a conversation between Ray and Maz Kanata. Rey is asked who she is and she answers that she is no one. Then at the end Kanata tells Rey that the force is "calling to you. Just let it in."

According to rumors from a reliable source, this scene takes place in the middle of the film, thus establishing that Rey does not have a sense of her identity. One would imagine (again, the rumors say so) that by the end of the film she embraces her destiny much like Luke does at the end of "A New Hope" (noticing a pattern?).

Kylo Ren is on a mission to aid Vader's Legacy

In the middle of the trailer Kylo Ren says that he will finish what "you started" while looking at Darth Vader's mashed-up helmet. What exactly did Vader start? The purging of the Jedi? The balancing of the force?

On a side note, the trailer also offers a glimpse of the Knights of Ren in a stormy night scene.

There are two space battles and neither are in space

We get to see a number of shots of X-Wings and Tie Fighters duking it out, but neither takes place in space. Presumably one takes place on the Starkiller Base (the frozen planet) and the other on the Resistance's base (an arboreal planet). Whether or not the battles are simultaneous is an interesting question.

There is also a chase through Jakku...

This will not feel like your usual Star Wars

Obviously different eras require different visual styles. The original films were molded in a more traditional way with the camera far less kinetic form modern action cinema. The prequels maintained that aesthetic for the most part. The dolly-in technique or handheld camera was not a major part of the visual language in "Episodes I-III."

From the few trailers, and especially this one, for "The Force Awakens" it is clear that this film's visual will play toward a more propulsive feel. Even conversations seem to employ the dolly-in technique (see the conversation between Solo, Rey and Finn on the Millennium Falcon). In action sequences, the camera seems to swing around characters (the shot in which Rey fires her blaster). At one point we see a quick dolly past Han Solo, Rey and Chewbacca with their hands over their heads. The space sequences follow the ships, almost as if the camera itself were also on a ship. The only time that any of the prequels or original films were shot in this manner was the opening shot of "Episode III: Revenge of the Sith." And like that ship, these images in "The Force Awakens" are full of CGI.

Speaking of which... the trailer finally showcased a plethora of CGI effects, confirming that this film, despite its heavy "practical effects" campaign, will in fact have a lot of CGI as well.

Other tidbits to take note of: Finn looks scared right before doing battle with Kylo Ren. Leia makes her first appearance in a trailer. Rey looks like she fixes things (like Luke and Anakin). C-3PO and Luke are not shown in the trailer. The former is odd though the latter should not be a surprise for those keeping up with rumors.