All of the pieces of the next season of American Horror Story, titled American Horror Story: Freak Show, are coming together. The FX show recently cast a new member.

Ryan Murphy, American Horror Story creator and executive producer, announced the addition of Michael Chiklis at a PaleyFest panel on Friday.

"[This is] somebody who I have loved for many, many years and courted for many, many years, and we finally found the right role for him," Murphy said. "He's playing [Evan Peters'] father. He will be Kathy Bates' ex-husband. He is an amazing Emmy-winning actor."

Chiklis already spent time on FX from 2002 until 2008 via the show The Shield.

"I can't think of a better way to come back to my home network then to join this magnificent cast," he said. "It's going to be creepy, and we're going to scare you. I'm ready, and I'm up for it, whatever comes my way."

Not many details were given about Chiklis' role, although he does have one piece of information.

"I don't do any accents," Chiklis told E! News.

Season 4 of American Horror Story takes place in the 1950s in Jupiter, Fla. Jessica Lange will play a German woman who manages one of the freak shows in the United States. E! News predicts that Lange will also being playing the mother of Peters' character.

"The thing we're working on now is the opposite of what we did last year," Murphy explained. "It's not a circus, and it's not a carnival. It's a freak show, which is very unique."

TV Guide reports that Bates, Peters and Sarah Paulson will be freaks. Angela Bassett, Jamie Brewer, Frances Conroy, Denis O'Hare, Emma Roberts and Gabourey Sidibe will also be a part of season 4 as well as some familiar faces from previous seasons.

"Once you're on, you're on," Murphy said.

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