Wal-Mart employees throughout the nation staged protests for higher wages on Black Friday. Wal-Mart employees throughout the nation staged protests for higher wages on Black Friday.
The Black Friday madness has been used by attackers to hit Amazon with a scam app that readily collects personal information from users who download and install it.
Thanksgiving Day is just right around the corner and reports say that there will be at least 38 million shoppers to grace malls and other retail outlets. Find out which stores will be opened or closed including malls, which are apparently requiring retail stores to stay open on the eve of Thanksgiving.
Several major retailers, including Target, Walmart, and Macy's, are staying open for Thanksgiving and offering some of the best deals you'll find this year.
TechCrunch confirmed on Wednesday that Apple had bought out Faceshift, the Zurich-based startup that developed the technology to produce virtual avatars that can capture a person's expressions in real time.
American Airlines will no longer accept Argentine pesos, the airline announced earlier this week. American Airlines will no longer accept Argentine pesos, the airline announced earlier this week.
Whether you're looking to give the perfect gift or a fun high-tech toy for yourself, Latin Post has you covered. We've rounded up the best deals on the most in-demand gadgets, in one convenient Black Friday gift guide.
This year's Black Friday is shaping up to be an incredible one for getting some ridiculous deals on gadgets and electronics of all shapes and sizes. Whether you're looking to give the perfect gift this year or get something for yourself at the lowest prices, Latin Post has you covered. We've rounded up the best deals on HDTVs and 4K Ultra HD TVs in one convenient Black Friday gift guide.
Whether you're looking to give the perfect gift this year or upgrade for yourself at the cheapest prices possible, Latin Post has you covered. We've rounded up the best deals on the most in-demand 2015 smartphones in one convenient Black Friday gift guide.
A total of 19 people have so far contracted E. coli in seven states in the U.S. and the outbreak has been suspected to be caused by eating a certain chicken salad made and sold at Costco stores.
The Republican presidential candidates have opposed President Barack Obama’s 2014 immigration executive actions, but what are the financial gains if the deferred action programs were in effect?
Apple has gone to great lengths to update its emojis to be more inclusive of a wide variety of skin tones, but most of the standard graphics available still lack Latin flair -- until now. A Latino marketing company took notice of the lack of Latin-flavored emojis in the standard Unicode set, and decided it would be a good way to catch the eyes -- and it hopes, the dollars -- of tech savvy Latinos.
Silicon Valley has a diversity problem. Mostly white men work in technology, and white men hold the vast majority of leadership positions as well. In the past couple of years though, many influential technology firms have been working to fix the dearth of underrepresented minorities in their workforces. But in the latest diversity report from Microsoft, it appears that part of the company's diversity problem has actually gotten a little worse.
Amazon partners with JetBlue to offer content for flights Amazon's streaming videos and music will now be available on most JetBlue planes equipped with "Fly-Fi.
Target, Walmart, Best Buy and more will offer special online deals. After Black Friday is done, Cyber Monday takes over with online discounts on many of the same items.
A 32-inch TV can be found for $75 Black Friday is usually known for discounted TVs, and this year, several retailers offer options with great prices on devices in varying sizes.
American travelers headed to Cuba will finally be able to turn to plastic to foot their hotel and restaurant bills, as MasterCard and Fort Lauderdale-based Stonegate Bank said on Thursday that their debit cards are now active for use on the Communist island.
The brightest flashlight in America has been sold out for the holidays, as people see the importance of having a good flashlight at their disposal at all times.