Latino entrepreneurs now claim a fifth of the U.S. market. And the 3.1 million Hispanic-owned businesses will contribute at least $468 billion to the U.S. economy this year.
No deal After the trading closed on Tuesday, 21st Century Fox announced the withdrawal of its bid for Time Warner Inc. as the company bought back its stock worth $6 billion.
Battle still rages in the U.S. Apple and Samsung have been waging war over technology patents during the last few years, each claiming the other is stealing ideas.
Get ready for back to school 2014 Whether you're heading back to high school, college, or sending a kid off to elementary or middle school, you're going to need some school supplies.
A new study, conducted by the Institute for Immigration Research at George Mason University, found that the pharmaceutical industry is very dependent on immigrant labor across many job titles.
An early introduction to rich flavors inspired Raquel Dailey-Parham to open the Puerto Rican restaurant Maracas in the heart of Chicago's south side Bronzeville neighborhood, an area that's predominately African American, but not before she and her sister, Rebecca Dailey-Wooley, launched
TouchPico devices are expected to start shipping in October If toting an 80-inch touchscreen display and a car full of equipment sounds like a hassle, stop living in the past.
Production leaves increased supply and leads to lower prices Consumers have noticed cheaper gas prices lately and the average price for a gallon of gas in the U.
In addition to some of the biggest corporations committing billions in investments in Africa, native African and popular artist Akon is doing his part to help the continent continue on its path to development.
Sprint and T-Mobile received another blow late last week as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) made it clear that it would not be supportive of joint bids during next year's spectrum auction.
Among the millennial generation, one of the top issues of concern is health care. When it comes to health care, the report noted that two-thirds of millennials surveyed have health insurance but a third do not.
Train could be up and running by 2017 Mexico will be getting Latin America's first high speed train, the government said. It will travel between Mexico City and Querétaro at a speed of 186 mph.
Several banks are in discussions how to buy Argentina's bonds held by U.S. investors following the country's default last week after the federal court ruling by Judge Griesa.
Advertising Age, the leading source of analysis and news for the media and marketing community, published "Hispanic Fact Pack 2014," its an annual guide to Hispanic marketing and media. The report examines Hispanic viewership and technological trends, as well as market growth and marketer spending habits.
Fifty-three House lawmakers wrote a letter to Comcast and Time Warner Cable asking the cable companies to offer more Latino-owned channels after their potential merger.
Airfare prices are outpacing inflation Despite a better economy and more travelers wanting to take domestic flights, average U. S. roundtrip airfare prices have risen by about $14 during the first six months of the year compared to that same period last year.
The U.S. Department of Labor revealed the overall unemployment rate increased to 6.2 percent for July, but the rate for Latinos remained at 7.8 percent.
Credit card, debit card numbers may have been stolen P. F. Chang's is continuing to investigate a data breach that affected customers in 33 of its restaurants in the U.