Tim Draper, of 'Six Californias', wins. Not long after the U. S. Marshals Service (USMS) announced updates about its recent auction of Bitcoins that were seized from the online black market known as Silk Road, the federal agency announced that a single bidder has emerged as the take-all winner.
California's minimum wage has increased by $1, but residents are unsure about the decision. Latinos, however, are in favor increasing the state's minimum wage even further.
Looks like DirecTV is one hot commodity around the telecommunications block. Recent documents show that Dish Network was also interested in purchasing DirecTV and that talks stopped only this year in light of AT&T's offer.
Standing in front of a Tesla Model S electric car in a Chargepoint site in Manhattan today, Heather Leibowitz from Environment New York said, "We are in the middle of a technological revolution that is helping to clean up our air, and reduce our dependence on oil — the rise of electric vehicles."
Retail chain cites effort to maintain "family-friendly" environment in stores Target Corp. on Wednesday became the latest chain to enter the gun-debate fray and take a stance on whether or not to allow guns in stores, the Washington Post reported.
On Wednesday, Target announced that it doesn't want residents of areas that permit "open carry" of registered guns to bring the weapons into their stores.
The German automaker playing catch up with luxury rivals BMW plans to spend about $1 billion to develop a new factory in Mexico, looking to match two of its biggest competitors, sources have told Bloomberg.
The Supreme Court is expected to hear arguments that would clarify the terms of the Pregnant Discrimination Act of 1978. The case came after Peggy Young, a part-time delivery truck driver for UPS, became pregnant and UPS denied her request to carry items less than 20 pounds.
YouTube could also add a streaming music service this summer. Looking to follow recent moves by Apple and Amazon, Google has purchased the online streaming service Songza.
Job growth in the U.S. manufacturing sector has slowed while construction spending hardly increased in May. According to the Commerce Department, construction spending rose by 0.1 percent, but it is down compared to the 0.8 percent increase during April.
Chairman and Chief Executive J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., Jamie Dimon, told shareholders and employees Tuesday that he has been diagnosed with throat cancer.
Dow within two points of 17,000. Stocks jumped higher Tuesday thanks to promising numbers from U. S. manufacturers and better-than-expected sales by U.
Federal regulators filed a lawsuit against T-Mobile Tuesday in Seattle, alleging that the nation's fourth-largest carrier burdened customers with "bogus charges."
Sprint and T-Mobile look set to join forces in the coming amidst a telecommunications industry shakeup that will pit them against the juggernauts that are Verizon and AT&T. Is it such a good idea? Definitely, says this writer.
National Public Radio's employee ethnicity rate is nearly identical to their listenership statistics. NPR Ombudsman Edward Schumacher-Matos disclosed the company's ethnicity data following criticism of the cancellation of its diversity-focused talk show "Tell Me More."
The airline will now offer flights from the U.S. to the Caribbean Southwest Airlines on Tuesday flew into uncharted territory for the company, with its first-ever international flight, according to a story from USA Today.
Company leaders met with Cuban officials and citizens employed in tech. Cuba is the country with the lowest level of Internet access in the Western hemisphere, according to a report from Reuters.
The auction required registration and a $200,000 deposit. After seizing more than 30,000 Bitcoins from the now defunct online black market known as Silk Road, the U.
Following Mexico's crushing loss to Holland on Saturday, resulting in its elimination from the rest of the World Cup tournament, the Royal Dutch Airline company, KLM, took to social media to gloat.