
Yahoo! Company Eliminates Various Software Products, Starts New Focus Under CEO Marissa Mayer

Yahoo! One of the leading digital giants is cleaning house by getting rid of some of its online software components.

Puerto Rico News: Senior Citizens Lose Free Movie, Sporting Event Privileges Due to Bad Economy

Elderly people in Puerto Rico are going to have to start paying for leisure activities. Gov. Alejandro Garcia Padilla signed a law Thursday that eliminates the free passes to those who are 75 and up at public events.

Social Media Saturday: Facebook Under Fire for Study, Twitter's 'Buy Now' Button and YouTube's More Popular Than Live TV

This week, the “study hit the fan” for Facebook, as the world of online media picked up on the controversial Facebook emotion research that we reported early last Saturday and a privacy group filed a formal complaint with the FTC. Meanwhile, Twitter could introduce an integrated “Buy Now” button, Vine added “Loop Counts” and YouTube was found to be more popular than television.

Immigration Up 24 Percent in Chile, Will Likely Raise Unemployment Rates in Latin America's Richest Country

Immigration into Chile jumped 24 percent last year as workers from countries like Colombia, Peru and Spain came to the wealthiest country in Latin America looking for jobs.

Affordable Care Act Premium Increases: New York Insurers Request Double-Digit Higher Premiums for 2015

With the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in effect in New York, insurance companies are expected to request double-digit premium hikes for 2015.

US Jobs Report: Latinos 'Actively' Seeking Employment, Unemployment Grows to 7.8 Percent

The U.S. Department of Labor released June's jobs figures, and it has been considered a "strong" month except for Latinos.

Former New Mexico Governor Becomes Marijuana Company CEO, Will Target 'Very Pleasant' Edibles to Washington, Colorado

Former New Mexico Republican Gov. Gary Johnson has joined a new company that will make marijuana-based products. Now that two states have legalized recreational marijuana use and multiple states allow its medicinal use, new business ventures are springing up.

Will the FTC Lawsuit Affect a Sprint and T-Mobile Merger?

Chances are that the FTC's problem with T-Mobile shouldn't spill over into merger analysis.

'Midnight Rider' Movie Accident News: Film Industry Workers Rally for More Safety in Wake of Camera Assistant's Death

The film industry may begin to take crew safety more seriously following the death of a 27-year-old camera assistant and the indictment of three producers of the independent film "Midnight Rider."

Is It Open on the Fourth of July? What You Need to Know About Post Offices, Malls and More

Some businesses are open, others are closed The Fourth of July is America's Birthday and many Americans are with their families or taking vacations, but what about businesses and stores? Are they open or closed today? Mail Services There will be no mail delivery on the Fourth.

Wage Gap Among Latinos Is More Acute Than for Other Groups, But Much Worse for Latinas

Higher paid Latino jobs have watched their weekly earnings grow 4.4 percent from $1,604 to $1,675 since the beginning of the Great Recession to date — 2007 to 2013. The same is not being experienced those earning lower wages who saw their weekly wages fall by 9.4 percent or $278 to $252 according to Pew Research Analysis.

Dow Jones Breaks 17,000 After Jobs Report Beats Expectations

S&P 500 eyes 2,000 level. The Dow Jones industrial average hit 17,000 Thursday for the first time thanks to a better-than-expected jobs report. Thursday, an abbreviated trading session and the last trading session of the week, saw the unemployment rate fall to 6.

Hobby Lobby Supreme Court Contraception Case: Hobby Lobby Invests in Manufacturers of 'Abortive' Contraception, Birth Control

Hobby Lobby, a craft store chain, won a groundbreaking and controversial case in the U.S. Supreme Court earlier this week regarding contraception coverage to its employees.

Jay-Z Made in America Music Festival News: Live Nation Agrees to Pay Los Angeles $850,000 to Host Event

For the first time in its three-year run, Jay Z's Made in America music festival will be held outside of Philadelphia and come to Los Angeles where it will be simultaneously held in both cities on Labor Day weekend, Aug. 30-31.

July 4th Shopping, Sales, and Discounts: Check Out These Top Deals for the Holiday

The Fourth of July is an important date and all because it signaled the official start of our great nation.

NASA, Boeing Reach Deal for Deep-Space Rocket to Mars

NASA on Tuesday approved the production of rocket believed to be the most powerful to ever launch in history, which will explore areas beyond our moon including near-Earth asteroids and Mars by the end of the decade.

Latest Jobs Report Says Hiring Is Up and Unemployment Is Down, Latino Employment Remains Steady

The U.S. Labor Department released its June 2014 Employment report on Thursday showing the latest job gains and losses and reporting 288,000 jobs were added in June. A separate report showed the unemployment rate fell to 6.1 percent, down 2 percent from last month. The number of unemployed persons decreased by 325,000 to 9.5 million. The Hispanic unemployment rate remained steady at 7.8 percent.

Jobs & Hiring Online: US Economy Grows in June; 288,000 New Jobs Added

Unemployment dropped to 6.1 percent, numbers not seen since 2008. The U. S. economy has seen unprecedented job growth this year and that will benefit both the economy and the unemployed if the trend continues.

Florida's Farm Industry Asks Congress for Immigration Reform, Wants More Visas for Day Laborers

On Wednesday, workers from Florida's agricultural industry asked Congress to work on immigration reform so the businesses will have an adequate number of workers.

Burger King Debuts 'Proud Whopper' for LGBT & Gay Pride: Rainbow Wrappers Say 'We Are all the Same Inside' [Watch]

This is a big step for the US Burger King came up with a new way to let its customers have it their way as the fast-food chain joined the LGBT community in a celebration of gay pride by packaging their famous Whoppers in special wrappers and calling the burger "Proud Whopper" instead.
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