Google Glass will be built into stylish Net-A-Porter eyewear. Google is making some improvements and updates to its Google Glass eyewear, including more RAM, easier photography and introducing a third party eyewear company to include Google Glass in their product offerings.
The housing market continues its upward rise and will depend on both minorities and millenials. Six years since the economic downturn known as the Great Recession, the U.
New GoPro stock (GPRO) opens at $28.65. GoPro, the company known for its cameras that allow extreme athletes, active individuals and more to capture videos, went public Thursday morning.
Which model should you plunk down your cash for? Let's see if we can help you decide. Ah, the MacBook. Aluminum unibody construction. Amazing AppleCare Protection Plan.
Following in the footsteps of Google, Yahoo and LinkedIn, social network Facebook released its diversity statistics report, and it also continues the excessive white male employee trend.
It was written in blood: The Wii U was dead. It was written in blood: The Wii U was dead. Nintendo had less than stellar console sales before (Gamecube), but Wii U looked to be a sad sequel to the greatest console flop of them all: the Dreamcast.
When Latino and black entrepreneurs enter banks to secure a loan to jumpstart their small businesses, they are given less information, asked more questions regarding their personal finances, and are offered less help with their application than white loan applicants.
The Supreme Court effectively destroyed Aereo's fundamental business strategy Wednesday, but Aereo's technology could survive and make Internet media better.
Named one of the 101 Most Influential Latinos in America by Latino Leaders Magazine for the past three years, the Ecuadorian-American entrepreneurial trailblazer is living proof that having it all is possible. In addition to her impressive resume, Vaca is the mother of four children, an entrepreneur who came from humble beginnings, a tri-athlete and a small business advocate who helps represent more than 3.1 million Hispanic businesses in the country.
There is no word on refunds to consumers yet After an investigation proved that Whole Foods Markets Inc. was overcharging California customers, the Austin, Texas-based company agreed to pay $800,000 in penalties.
Wednesday report shows expansion in service sector. Stocks recorded positive gains Wednesday after a report showing expansion in the service sector created an uptick in the major stock indices.
Executives representing AT&T and DirecTV were grilled by members of congress on Tuesday when they proposed a $48.5 billion merger that Democratic critics and public interest groups fear will result in higher costs and less competition.
A dentist from North Bethesda, Maryland is suing British Airways for flying him to Grenada in the Caribbean (northwest of Trinidad and Tobago and northeast of Venezuela), instead of his planned destination, Granada, Spain.
Billionaire jack-of-all-trades Elon Musk announced last week that residential solar panel company SolarCity would be acquiring high-quality solar panel manufacturer Silevo in a move that involves the creation of one of the largest solar panel factories in the world.
AT&T took its argument for a merger with DirecTV to lawmakers Tuesday, arguing that the deal is different than other mergers in the industry, including a potential one between Sprint and T-Mobile.
Stock jumps Monday after soccer fans head to restaurants to enjoy matches Soccer fans are showing up in record numbers at Buffalo Wild Wings locations to watch the World Cup Matches, and it's helping the company's stock hit an all-time record high.
With Hulu and Netflix viewership gaining speed, cable and satellite operators could see a decline in their industry. According to Harris Interactive, cable and satellite companies shouldn't worry much as three-fourths of U.S. adults stated they regularly watch television through their providers.
Venezuelan Andres Moreno founded Open English, an online English language school targeted toward Latin Americans with classes running 24/7, back in 2008. Now, the school is worth an estimated $350 million and has 100,000 students.
Consumer confidence reached new heights in June with levels not seen since January 2008. According to the Consumer Board, via MarketWatch, consumer confidence hit 85.2 percent in June, which is the highest percentage since lows during the early recession six years ago.