Moving to a foreign country is always difficult. Potential immigrants start by looking at different regions and states - they evaluate them from the point of view of economic development, improvement, health care, and the opportunity to give children a good education.
Mexican poet Rigoberto Gonzalez, the son of illiterate and undocumented farmworkers, was chosen as the recipient of the PEN/Voelcker Award for Poetry this year.
Rio de Janeiro's parade grounds became a platform for advocacy when the Grande Rio Samba school unfurled a massive fan-shaped banner reading "RESPECT MY AXÉ" to the roaring crowd.
Rosario Dawson's "coming out" in 2018 was quite subtle but it has opened discussions on what the term "bisexuality" encompasses and the importance of bisexual visibility.
It is never too early to start planning for retirement, especially if you want to stop working earlier or downgrade to a part-time job at some point. You may also think about putting your retirement money to fund IRA with bitcoins.
Neighborhood safety is one of the main things to consider when buying a home, especially if it's a neighborhood you don't know too well. Sometimes the area looks nice, but you don't know what happens there at a different time of the day.