
Celebrities React To Trump's Withdrawal From Paris Agreement

Have a warm cup of covfefe, because it's not looking pretty on the Internet. Onlookers everywhere are still reeling from President Doanld Trump's Thursday announcement that he would be withdrawing the United States from the landmark Paris Climate Agreement.

Oscar López Rivera Drops Out as Honoree in Puerto Rican Day Parade

Political leaders such as Governor Andrew Cuomo and Police Commissioner James O'Niel have also declined to participate in this year's parade.

US Cuba Relation in Danger if Trump Reverses Obama Policies

President Trump is looking to reward anti-Castro Republican-based Cuban-Americans for their support President Trump is looking to reward anti-Castro Republican-based Cuban-Americans for their support by reversing many of the Obama administration's Cuba policies that relaxed travel bans and financial opportunities.

The Economic Crisis in Venezuela Forces President Maduro to Devalue Currency

Those that oppose Maduro believe that he is trying everything to save himself from the pressures of protesters

Trump Pulls US From Paris Climate Deal: The World Reacts

What this means for America on the world stage Many around the world are not happy that President Donald Trump is withdrawing the U. S. from the Paris Climate Accords.

"Even The Good Hombres Are Not Safe": Federal Judge Criticizes Trump's Immigration Policies

The judge ruled in favor of the government but still had harsh words for the laws. A federal judge in California blasted President Trump's immigration reforms as cruel and unfair Tuesday, stating that "even the good hombres are not safe.

Goldman Sachs’ Purchase of Venezuelan “Hunger Bonds” Incites Protests

Protesters gathered in front of Goldman Sachs Inc.’s headquarters in Manhattan to express their anger towards the purchase of Venezuelan government bonds.

Pentagon Tests New Anti-Missile System

The move comes after another provocation action by North Korea Amid growing tensions in the region and unrelenting missile tests by North Korea, the Pentagon is rolling out a new anti-missile detection system in a series of upcoming tests.

Texas GOP Rep Calls ICE On Protesters, Threatens To Shoot Colleague

A bookend on a contentious legislative session at the Texas State House. A state legislator in Texas is making headlines for calling immigration authorities on protesters and threatening to "put a bullet through the head" of a fellow representative on the floor of the Texas State House.

White House Communications Director Resigns

This might be the beginning of a series of changes to Trump's senior staff White House communications director Mike Dubke submitted his resignation more than 10 days ago, but offered to stay until the end of President Donald Trump's foreign trip.

Manuel Noriega, former dictator of Panama dies at 83

Noriega was for some time an ally of the United states, but his ties to drug trafficking led to his removal in 1989.

TSA Could Expand Laptop Ban On Flights Indefinitely

International business travelers might be out of luck. Officials at the Department of Homeland Security are considering expanding a ban on electronic devices larger than smartphones in the cabins on all international flights leaving and landing in the U.

What happens if the United States quits Paris climate change agreement?

Pulling out of the accord would send a serious signal to the rest of the globe who is working hard to reduce greenhouse emissions to the atmosphere

ICE Agents Raid Kitchen and Arrest Workers after Eating Breakfast at Restaurant

After the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents had some waffles at an Ann Arbor's restaurant in Michigan, they raided the kitchen looking for undocumented immigrants.

HUD Secretary Ben Carson Calls Poverty A "State of Mind"

One of many stunning comments from the neurosurgeon turned public servant. Famed neurosurgeon and now Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Dr. Ben Carson had some less than well thought out statements on the issue of poverty, in a radio interview.

Heated Montana Congressional Race Comes To Blows

A contest for one seat in the House has injured a reporter and sent shockwaves through Washington. It's election day in Montana and a special congressional race for its only seat in the House of Representatives is dominating headlines for suprising reasons.

How will undocumented immigrants be affected by Trump´s new budget?

The White House released a $4.1 trillion plan on Tuesday that indicate Trump´s intent to keep his campaign promises

The Odd Couple: When Donald and Francis Met

The two world leaders finally have that awkward sit-down. President Donald Trump made his way up gilded steps to greet Pope Francis in Vatican City early Wednesday morning.

Former CIA chief John Brennan worried over contact between Trump campaign and Russians

John Brennan told the House Committee on Intelligence on Capitol Hill The former CIA director, John Brennan, said there were enough contacts between members of the Trump campaign and Russian intelligence services by last summer to justify an investigation by the FBI.

Trump's budget would make cuts to food stamps and Medicaid

The new budget proposal would slash more than $800 billion over the next 10 years on funds for Medicaid
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