
Michelle, Barrack Obama News: ‘Former First Couple’ Enjoying Vacation Outside the White House

After the Inauguration of President Donald Trump, former President Barrack Obama was spotted on a holiday vacation with his wife Michelle Obama in British Virgin Islands.

Report: Journalists Call Out White House Claims On Terror-Reporting

Donald Trump administration called out journalists at White House to claim on under-reported terror attack. The White House has distributed a list of 78 terror attacks

Iran Vows To Use 'Roaring Missiles' If Threatened, Defies New Sanctions

Iran has recently tested a ballistic missile. The new report has suggested that Iran would use its missiles if its security is under threat

Donald Trump Update: Howard Stern Says Trump's Sensitive Ego Won't Survive Presidency

The close friend of Donald Trump believes that Trump's sensitive ego won't survive the presidency. Stern believes that Trump's presidential bid just a lark so that he could get more money out of NBC.

US Defence Secretary Mattis Warns North Korea Of 'Overwhelming' Response To Nuclear Use

US defense secretary James Mattis reassured the South Korean Government about the North Korea's nuclear attack.Mattis warns North Korea of 'overwhelming' response to nuclear use

President Trump's Prayer For Arnold During National Prayer Breakfast: Schwarzenegger Suggests To Switch Their Roles Instead

President Trump's first attendance to the National Prayer breakfast Thursday has sparked each other's mockery of their jobs. The former Governor of California is a member of Hillary Clinton's political party.

Democrats in Congress: War with Pres Donald Trump goes Full Swing

Democrats in Congress has come out with both fist swinging. In an act of war, they are trying to derail the locomotive of this administration. More details about it here.

Donald Trump News and Update: US President Threatens To Send Troops To Mexico, In Call With Mexican Government

US president Trump threatens to send US troops to Mexico. He sends US troops across the border to stop "bad hombre".

Report: Trump Nominates Neil Gorsuch To Fill Vacant Supreme Court Seat

President Trump nominates federal judge Neil Gorsuch for the supreme court. The decision is taken to fill vacant supreme court seat

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz Will Hire 10,000 Refugees To His Company Amidst Threats Of Boycott From Trump Supporters

In a letter to Starbucks employees, CEO Howard Schultz assures his employee's security of tenure and health benefits alongside 10,000 available jobs for refugees in spite of Trump's immigration ban. Trump supporters plan to boycott the coffee giant company.

Donald Trump And The Miss Universe Organization: Business Tycoon-Turned-President Was Both Owner And Seller

Donald Trump's business strategies while still the owner of Miss Universe organization and what happened after as they both separate ways.

A.C.L.U. Receives Record Donations After Trump's Immigration Ban

Online donations to A.C.L.U. surge after Trump's executive order on immigration. Donations to humanitarian and rights groups like the American Civil Liberties Union (A.

President Trump's Wall Over Mexico Creates Border Tax Threatens Price Hike On Foods And Drinks

As promised, President Trump's campaign agendas are already taking place, with his recent stand to have Mexico pay for a border wall, affecting the price imported products from Mexico.

Mark Zuckerberg Running Against Kanye West for 2024 US Presidential Elections; Facebook Insiders Hints Possibility [RUMORS]

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has Presidential aspirations and is rumored to be running for the position in 2024 as well as Kanye West.

Saudi Arabia Regains Allies Quickly And Impressively

In just three months, Saudi Arabia rises again with more allies. The final part of Obama administration gave eroding support for the long-time ally Saudi Arabia.

US Radar Deployment To Answer North Korea Missile Threat, What Else US Can Do?

This time its defensive, US deploys radar in response to North Korea missile threat, could US move offensively against the unruly North Korea?

Incoming Trump Government on Climate Change

Everyone awaits for the incoming Trump government and how he will respond to climate change. Climate change is one of the biggest challenges for all nations as understood by most people.

ESA, Russia now know what caused Europe's Mars lander to crash

Investigators finally found a better idea for the cause of last October's crash-land on Mars. European Space Agency has been investigating how the Mars lander crash-landed in the Red Planet last October.

Elton John will not perform for Trump’s inauguration

The report that Elton John will perform at Donald Trump’s inauguration was denied. Elton's representative said that the Rock and Roll Hall of Famer will not be performing at President-elect Trump's party.

Fidel Castro's sister Juanita snubs state funeral over unresolved family feud

Find out on why Fidel Castro's sister Juanita snubs state funeral here. If the family feud still unresolved?
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