
Puerto Rico Debt Crisis: Governor Urges Swift Congressional Action Now With Zika Virus Threatening Island

Puerto Rico Gov. Alejandro Garcia Padilla is continuing his campaign for congressional leaders to move forward with legislation that will give the U.S. commonwealth solutions for its debt and health crises.

Hispanic Groups: House Resolution Against DAPA, DACA+ Is 'Direct Attack' on Immigrants

Latino groups are not happy with the U.S. House of Representatives passing a resolution granting Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., to right to file an amicus brief opposing the President Barack Obama's immigration executive actions.

Latino Groups Sign Letter Urging Hillary Clinton to Commit to HIV/AIDS Strategy

A group, describing itself as "longtime HIV/AIDS survivors, family members, friends and partners of loved ones lost to the AIDS epidemic," has penned a letter to Hillary Clinton asking her to fully commit to a plan to end the disease;s epidemic proportions by the year 2025.

With Marco Rubio Out, Will Conservative Latinos Vote for Donald Trump?

Latinos have played a crucial role in deciding the last four presidential elections. Come November, their opinion of Republican front-runner Donald Trump may determine who fills President Obama's seat.

Latino Democrats Attack 'Out of Touch' GOP's Anti-DAPA, DACA Resolution

House lawmakers were battling Thursday morning over House Speaker Paul Ryan's, R-Wisc., resolution against President Barack Obama’s immigration executive actions.

Surprise Inspections at Immigrant Detention Centers Have Begun

Opponents of immigrant detention centers are applauding the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for initiating unannounced inspections at its facilities.

Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders More Popular Among Hispanic Republicans Than Donald Trump

Donald Trump has a less favorable image among Hispanic Republicans than either 2016 Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.

Latino Leaders, Groups to Senate Republicans: Blocking Merrick Garland's SCOTUS Process Impacts Latino Community

Latino lawmakers, advocates and legal groups have welcomed President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland and called on Congress for a fair nomination process.

Conservatives Plan Strategy to Stop Donald Trump, Consider Third-Party Challenge

A growing group of conservatives are planning a closed-door meeting in Washington to discuss ways of slowing the momentum of Republican front-runner Donald Trump.

Human Rights Watch: US Failed to Provide Migrant Children With Legal Counsel

Human Rights Watch filed an amicus brief in a federal appeals court accusing the U.S. government of denying migrant children the right to legal representation in immigration court where they faced deportation.

Supreme Court Nomination Fight: Obama Nominates Merrick Garland, Senate Republicans Already in Opposition

President Barack Obama nominated Merrick Garland, currently chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, to serve as an associate justice for the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday morning.

Super Tuesday March 15 Results: Hillary Clinton Has Big Primary Night But One State Still Too Close to Call

Hillary Clinton won big on the latest Super Tuesday primary elections on March 15, scoring huge results in Florida, Ohio and North Carolina.

Marco Rubio Presidential Campaign Ends After Crushing Super Tuesday Florida Primary Loss

Following a crushing loss in his own state, Republican Florida Sen. Marco Rubio suspended his presidential campaign on Tuesday night.

The 2016 Republican Presidential Primary Results in Ohio and Florida: 'Winner Take All' States Give Trump, Kasich Victories

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump had a good Super Tuesday night as he won four of five primary states on March 15.

Trump's Campaign Antics Reminiscent of 1960s Segregationist George Wallace

Following a violent week of conflict between supporters and protesters, the comparison between the real estate magnate turned presidential candidate and the Alabama governor seem more apt than ever.

Latino Leaders: Senate Must Commit to Obama's Supreme Court Nominee's Hearing and Vote

A diverse range of Latino leaders have pressed the U.S. Senate to commit to hearing and voting on whoever President Barack Obama nominates for the Supreme Court.

Democrats Introduce Bills to Alleviate Debt Crisis in Puerto Rico

Democrats introduced two bills on Monday meant to extend Puerto Rico more powers to get rid of some of its $72 billion debt.

Donald Trump Battles to Maintain Total Support of Immigration Hardliners

Donald Trump is experiencing a bit of resistance from the most unlikely of places at an inopportune time.

Excluding Undocumented Immigrants From Social Safety Net Affects Documented Latinos Too

The lack of a social safety net is a challenge for undocumented immigrant families and contributes to inequality. A new study found that immigrant Latino families being excluded from public assistance not only increases the childhood poverty rate, but affects documented Latino children as well.

Jane Sanders Gets Firsthand Look at Sheriff Joe's Controversial Immigration Policies

A little more than a week before the Arizona primary election, Jane Sanders, the wife of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, visited the state and confronted the immigration policies of the controversial Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
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