
Latino Leaders: Senate Must Commit to Obama's Supreme Court Nominee's Hearing and Vote

A diverse range of Latino leaders have pressed the U.S. Senate to commit to hearing and voting on whoever President Barack Obama nominates for the Supreme Court.

Democrats Introduce Bills to Alleviate Debt Crisis in Puerto Rico

Democrats introduced two bills on Monday meant to extend Puerto Rico more powers to get rid of some of its $72 billion debt.

Donald Trump Battles to Maintain Total Support of Immigration Hardliners

Donald Trump is experiencing a bit of resistance from the most unlikely of places at an inopportune time.

Excluding Undocumented Immigrants From Social Safety Net Affects Documented Latinos Too

The lack of a social safety net is a challenge for undocumented immigrant families and contributes to inequality. A new study found that immigrant Latino families being excluded from public assistance not only increases the childhood poverty rate, but affects documented Latino children as well.

Jane Sanders Gets Firsthand Look at Sheriff Joe's Controversial Immigration Policies

A little more than a week before the Arizona primary election, Jane Sanders, the wife of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, visited the state and confronted the immigration policies of the controversial Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

2016 Republican Presidential Primary Results Could Surprise in Ohio and Florida: This is What Polls are Saying About Super Tuesday

With Super Tuesday 11 polls now open, Donald Trump's 2016 Republican presidential showdown with Ohio Governor John Kasich remains too close to call in Kasich's home state, but the GOP front-runner is expected to trounce Florida Senator Marco Rubio on his home turf.

Bilingual Bernie Sanders Ad Makes Last-Second Appeal to Latinos Ahead of Super Tuesday

Bernie Sanders may not have a hand in it, but a bilingual Facebook video released Saturday is urging Latinos to vote for the Vermont senator in Tuesday's Florida Democratic primary.

More Power to Latino Voters: Univision Launches Spanish Lie Detector 'Detector de Mentiras' for 2016 US Presidential Election

The Latino voters are projected to hold significant influence over the upcoming presidential elections and Spanish-language network Univision has found a way to create a more informed electorate with the new Detector de Mentiras (Lie Detector).

Why John Kasich is Defending Undocumented Immigrants

As the Republicans brace for an all-important Ohio primary, the candidates are already making their last-minute pitches with the hope of swaying the voters to their respective sides.

More 'Independent' Latino Voters Registered in Florida; What This Means for the 2016 US Presidential Elections

The 2016 Presidential Elections proved to be unpredictable as more Latino independent voters turn up in the sunny state of Florida. Independent voters are non-Democratic, non-Republican voters who will cast their ballots for a candidate regardless of his or her party alliance.

Donald Trump's Campaign Marred By Violent Incidents

The Trump campaign was marred by several violent incidents over the last week that have caused alarm and criticism from leaders and commentators, both from the Democratic Party and the GOP.

Super Tuesday March 15 Polls, Preview: What to Know About the 'Winner Take All' States

March 15 is another round of presidential primaries for the Democratic and Republican Parties, and it could determine each party's nominee and the fate of Marco Rubio's political career.

Immigration Groups Fight Paul Ryan's Plan to File Supreme Court Brief

A group of 50 pro-immigration groups are poised to pressure Republican legislators to reject majority house leader Paul Ryan's plan to file an amicus brief with the Supreme Court in opposition to President Obama's immigration orders.

2016 Presidential Polls: Republican Front-runner Donald Trump Expands Lead in Florida Against Marco Rubio

Donald Trump's presidential campaign could potentially hit new milestones on Tuesday as new polling data has shown the businessman threatening John Kasich and Marco Rubio's White House hopes.

Donald Trump Refuses Responsibility for Violence at Campaign Events

Donald Trump is disavowing any responsibility for the growing level of violence at his campaign events across the country, saying he is simply the messenger for the rising frustration among many Americans.

4 Times When Politicians Have Been Compared to Hitler

Comparing a political figure to Adolf Hitler, as the media has begun to do to Trump, could be the worst thing one could say about a candidate.

Ohio State Democratic Town Hall Highlights: Clinton and Sanders Attack Trump, Say He Urges Violence

Town hall attendees didn't just want to hear Democratic candidates come down on Trump. They wanted a strategic plan for beating the Republican front-runner if he is elected the Party's presidential nominee.

Johnny Depp Calls Trump a 'Brat' After Spoofing GOP Candidate in Funny or Die Biopic [Video]

Speaking in front of students at the Arizona State University on Saturday, March 12, 2016, the "Into the Woods" actor talked about his portrayal of Trump in a Funny or Die biopic about the life of the outspoken real estate billionaire. Depp called Trump a "brat."

Many Latino Influencers Believe English-Language Media Fails to Consider Latinos' Perspective in Reports

Among Latino influencers, the most important issue politicians should address is immigration reform.

Brazil Protesters Want Dilma Rousseff's Impeachment Amid Corruption Investigation

Hundreds of thousands of protesters flooded the streets of Brazil on Sunday to call for President Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment. However, Lula da Silva’s successor remains firm and continues to deny that she did something wrong to deserve impeachment.
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