
Donald Trump Wins Hispanic Vote in Nevada; Do Latinos Love Him Now?

Donald Trump apparently won in this week's caucus in Nevada where a significant number of voters are Latino.

Super Tuesday 2016: Here's What You Can Expect

Here are few details and rumors about Super Tuesday 2016. Less than a week from now will be Super Tuesday. Politicians and voters are both excited for the said event.

'Winner Take All' GOP Primary in Florida Could Be Trouble for Rubio's Presidential Ambitions

The Republican presidential primary appears to be a three-horse race with Trump, Cruz and Rubio, but Florida senator needs a major win in the Sunshine State to maintain contender status.

Identical Latino Tweets Supporting Donald Trump Mysteriously Deleted

Now-deleted Twitter accounts purportedly beloning to Latinos tweeted their support for Donald Trump on Tuesday night, minutes after the Republican presidential front-runner had won the Nevada caucus.

Most Democratic Primary Voters Believe Socialism Has 'Positive Impact on Society'

A recent poll shows that socialism is now being embraced by a majority of Democratic primary voters.

A Day at the Nevada Caucus: Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and the Latino Vote

Caucus-goers throughout Nevada cast their vote on Feb. 20, many in Latino-heavy Clark County. Based on exit polls, older voters leaned towards Clinton while Latinos and millenials chose Sanders.

Ted Cruz Scores Endorsement From Texas Gov. Greg Abbott

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz landed a major endorsement from Texas Gov. Greg Abbott less than a week before the GOP primary in the Lone Star state.

Obama Reveals 'Spoiler Free' Insight on Next SCOTUS Justice

The political gridlock to nominate Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s successor is becoming much more difficult with President Barack Obama and Senate Republicans disagreeing on the nomination process.

Apple's Possible Supreme Court Argument Against FBI Could be 'Code is Protected Speech'

Here's the free speech argument Apple may end up using to defend itself and its encrypted devices.

Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders Fight for Latino Vote With Super Tuesday Looming

With Super Tuesday less than a week away, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders' fight to secure the Latino vote is only growing more intense.

When Is a Latino No Longer a Latino? Research Shows Poll Phrasing Matters

A new look at an old problem in demography: when people no longer identify with their ethnic group. A new look at an old problem in demography: when people no longer identify with their ethnic group.

A Look at Where GOP Candidates Stand on Cuban Immigration

As most of the immigration talk coming from GOP has focused on deploying more border patrol agents and building a wall along Mexico, Republican candidates have spent far less time publically discussing changes that will likely soon come regarding the nation’s policy on Cuban immigrants.

With Nevada Caucus Loss, Texas Becomes Most Important Win for Ted Cruz's Presidential Bid

Donald Trump won his third consecutive presidential primary, but rival Ted Cruz is banking on a "Super Tuesday" wins, especially in his home state of Texas.

Afghan Refugees, Migrants Refused Entry at European Borders

Migrants, especially Afghan refugees, seeking asylum inside Europe's borders are being turned away.

Donald Trump Likes to Punch Nevada Protester in the Face

Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump expressed wanting to punch a protester on the night before the Nevada caucuses.

Bolivia Referendum Result: Voters Reject 4th Term for President Evo Morales

The president was first elected into office in 2005. The latest official tally of the Bolivian referendum revealed that President Evo Morales was not able to secure another term.

There Are 13 Million Latino Voters This November but Who Will They Vote for?

According to The National Association for Latino Elected Officials (NALEO) statistics, there will be 13 million Latino voters this November.

The LGBT Community Approves: Puerto Rico Confirms First Lesbian Supreme Court Justice

Senators ruled to appoint her in a 14-12 vote. Puerto Rico's senate has confirmed Judge Maite Oronoz Rodriguez as its new Supreme Court chief justice and she is the first high-ranking official to openly profess that she's a lesbian.

Ted Cruz on Illegal Immigrants: Better Walls, Border Patrols & Biometric Scanners

But in January, Cruz said he was opposed to "deportation force." Sen. Ted Cruz, who is aspiring to presidency under the Republican Party, made his stance clear on illegal immigrants in a televised interview Tuesday.

Is Ted Cruz a Canadian? Republican Presidential Candidate Seeks Dismissal of Disqualification Case

Republican candidate Ted Cruz requested a Texas federal judge to dismiss a disqualification case filed against him questioning his eligibility to run for presidency.
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