
Obama to Visit Cuba in March Despite Americans' Mixed Views

The White House confirmed President Barack Obama will visit Cuba in March, becoming the first U.S. president to visit the island in nearly 90 years.

A Peek in the Life of Brazilian Ex-President Luiz Inacio Lula de Silva

Brazil’s former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is now faced with legal charges after he was accused of corruption during his term as the leader of the South American country.

Bunny Ranch Brothel Workers Support Hillary Clinton, Praise Healthcare Plan

Hillary Clinton now has the support of almost 500 legal prostitutes in Nevada. Brothel workers at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch in Carson City, Nevada formed a group called Hookers 4 Hillary and are endorsing Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination.

South Carolina Republican Town Hall: Cruz Looks to GOP Voters, Rubio Appeals to General Electorate

While Ted Cruz spent most of his time entertaining questions about Donald Trump, Marco Rubio focused on social issues like racism, education reform, and gender equality in the military.

Is Apple CEO Tim Cook Afraid of the Legal Repercussions of the FBI's 'Backdoor' Plea? [Poll]

Apple Inc. and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are headed into a very important legal battle regarding the iPhone used by Syed Rizwan Farook in the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California. U.S. magistrate judge Sheri Pym has ordered Apple to help the FBI in hacking Farook's phone to find out additional information that may help end the investigation.

Ted Cruz Topples Donald Trump in New National Poll

Ted Cruz has edged out Donald Trump in the second national GOP poll of 2016 released by NBC News/Wall Street Journal last Wednesday. Cruz got 28 percent of the votes while Trump trailed him with 26 percent.

'Love Child' Can Jeopardize Bolivian President Evo Morales Fourth Term Bid

A new scandal could jeopardize Evo Morales’ bid for a fourth term as Bolivia’s president. A new scandal could jeopardize Evo Morales' bid for a fourth term as Bolivia's president.

New Super PAC Ad Attacks Bernie Sanders’ Immigration Record

The 48-second ad questions Sanders' immigration reform efforts, citing a CNN interview in which he says guest workers are driving down wages for American citizens.

Donald Trump Welcomes Men to Stage After Removing Latina Protester at South Carolina Rally

Donald Trump triumphantly summoned two men to the stage during a recent rally in South Carolina after at least one of them physically confronted a Latina woman waving a pro-immigration sign in the audience.

Trump, Cruz Attack Each Other for Flip Flopping on Immigration

Immigration reform has been at the helm of the 2016 presidential election as many of the Republican candidates continue to use xenophobic language to prove their dedication to cracking down on illegal immigration. The GOP contenders have also resorted to attacking one another to stand out as the candidate with the toughest stance on the issue.

New Poll Shows Clinton, Sanders Nearly Tied in Nevada; Latino Voters to Help Determine Winner

A new poll shows that Democratic voters in Nevada are virtually split between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders just three days before the state's caucus.

Marco Rubio Endorsements: GOP Candidate Wins South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley's Support

Ahead of his CNN town hall participation on Wednesday night, Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio received the endorsement of Republican South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley.

Marco Rubio on the Issues: Where the GOP Candidate Stands on Immigration, Healthcare, and More

At 44, Marco Rubio is the youngest GOP candidate vying for the party’s presidential nomination. At 44, Marco Rubio is the youngest GOP candidate vying for the party’s presidential nomination.

Latino Civic Engagement Groups Unite to Mobilize Millions of Unregistered Latino Voters

A coalition of national Latino civic engagement organizations have united to further engage Latinos to vote.

Apple vs FBI: The Road to a High Profile Showdown

A federal judge has ordered a defiant Apple to help the FBI crack a secure iPhone that belonged to one of the shooters in the San Bernardino attack. How did this happen?

Worship and The White House: Ted Cruz Motivated by His Father's Religious Beliefs

The candidate’s father, Rafael Cruz is preacher who espouses the extreme doctrine of dominion. Adherents to the faith believe that Christians have an obligation to take over the government in an effort to save it from the wicked.

Latino Victory Fund Endorses Two Latina Candidates for US Senate

The political arm of the Latino Victory Project, known as the Latino Victory Fund, endorsed two candidates who, if elected, will be the first Latinas in the U.S. Senate.

Wisconsin Activist Group Urges Hispanic Community to Walk Out on Jobs for 'A Day Without Latinos' Protest

An activist group in Wisconsin encouraged Hispanics to walk out from schools and offices to fight racism and immigrant rights.

Immigration Rights Protesters Shut Down Chicago Traffic, Calls to Stop Deportation Raids

Protestors took to the streets in downtown Chicago early Tuesday in an anti-deportation rally organizers say will not stop until Latino families are allowed to live in peace.

Nevada Caucus 2016: Over 194,000 Latinos Registered to Vote in 2016 Election, Says NALEO Analysis

More than 194,000 registered Latino voters are expected to participate in the upcoming Nevada caucus.
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