The calls for the Obama administration to stop its deportation raids campaign continues to grow as more than 200 organizations came together urging temporary protective status (TPS) for Central American immigrants.
With the current wave of unaccompanied minors entering the U.S. borders, several reports have surfaced claiming that for the past two years, some of the minors have been subjected to illegal acts and are smuggled as slave laborers.
The foreign leaders from the member countries of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) were gathered Sunday to discuss and prepare for the 4th upcoming summit in Ecuador Wednesday next week.
Immigration rights activists held a rally in Chicago over the weekend in protest against the White House deportation raids targeting Central American families.
Although Bernie Sanders has made tremendous progress in the Democratic presidential race, a new poll suggests that 2016 hopeful Martin O'Malley may actually be cutting into his base of support.
Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz on Saturday continued to attack his 2016 rival Donald Trump on immigration, accusing the real estate mogul of being a supporter of "amnesty."
A new poll shows Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders with a 9-point lead over rival Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire less than three weeks away from the state primary election.
Donald Trump has raced out to a commanding 14-point lead over Texas Senator Ted Cruz in their largely back-and-forth battle for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination.
With the Iowa caucuses less than two weeks away, "Confident" singer Demi Lovato took to the campaign trial to stump for Hillary Clinton in the critical, early voting state Thursday night.
Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz took a sharp stab at GOP front-runner Donald Trump this week, accusing him of supporting "amnesty" for undocumented immigrants.
Jeb Bush's presidential campaign released a new ad on Friday, featuring Barbara Bush endorsing her son and taking a soft jab at GOP front-runner Donald Trump.
An independent and bipartisan federal agency, led by a Latino appointed by President Barack Obama, has called for the Obama administration to cease its deportation raids.
Branding him a “menace to American conservatism,” the National Review is strongly urging all Republican voters not to support current party front-runner Donald Trump.
A new poll shows that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and Democratic hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders have gained strong leads in Iowa, less than two weeks before the first primary caucuses.